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Крепление головы вязаной игрушки. Альтернатива шплинтовому креплению. Динозавр Бенито.

Крепление головы вязаной игрушки. Альтернатива шплинтовому креплению. Динозавр Бенито.

频道: Пуш-Плюш. Игрушки крючком и не только.
Детская кепка крючком. Летняя кепка крючком.

Детская кепка крючком. Летняя кепка крючком.

频道: Татьяна Яковлева
Ответы на вопросы / Понемногу обо всём / Часть 1

Ответы на вопросы / Понемногу обо всём / Часть 1

频道: Kristina Knits / Вяжу и не тужу


频道: Maggie's Cozy Corner
Заяц из пряжи Alize Puffy Fine.  Часть 2

Заяц из пряжи Alize Puffy Fine. Часть 2

频道: DIY от Оксаны Артамоновой
Шляпка крючком. Crochet cap. Amigurumi. Crochet.  Амигуруми. Одежда крючком.

Шляпка крючком. Crochet cap. Amigurumi. Crochet. Амигуруми. Одежда крючком.

频道: Irina Sherekina
Ангел или домовёнок крючком. Часть 3.Тело и сборка

Ангел или домовёнок крючком. Часть 3.Тело и сборка

频道: Smolly_Dolls
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Вязаная горошина-из пряжи.Горох амигуруми.Стручок гороха-развивающая игрушка для детей

频道: Вязание спицами и крючком,канал Irina Zagorodnia
Большая объемная коса крючком 3 часть - 5 и 6 ряды Лучшие узоры вязания крючком

Большая объемная коса крючком 3 часть - 5 и 6 ряды Лучшие узоры вязания крючком

频道: Уроки Вязания - Crochet and Knitting lessons
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Детская шапочка спицами.МК

频道: Nika вяжет


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видео уроки вязания
игрушка крючком
crochet (hobby)
búho de ganchillo
coruja crochê
owl crochet
Eule häkeln
crochet de hibou
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Sneakers (start with the pink thread); 1)Cast on a chain of 8 air loops, starting with the second loop from the hook inc, 5sc(one sc in each loop), 4sc in the last loop, on the opposite side 5sc, inc=(18) 2)2inc, 5sc, 4inc, 5sc, 2inc=(26) 3) 2sc, 2inc sc, 2sc, 2hdc, 3dc, 5inc dc, 3dc, 2hdc, 2sc, 2inc sc, sc=(35) 4) 3ch, 2dc, 2inc dc, 10dc, 6inc dc, 10dc, inc dc, 4dc, sl st=(44) Cut out the insoles for shoes. 5) 44sc through back loop(tbl)=(44) 6-8) 44sc trim and hide the thread. Toe sneaker(white thread); 1) Fold the sneaker in half and count from the middle 10sc, through back loop we knit 20sc, rotate knitting(knit the middle 20 loop) Changing the thread to pink 2) We knit in rotating rows; 2ch, from the second loop from the hook dc, 9dec dc, rotate knitting 3) 2ch, in the second loop from the hook dc, 4dec dc, rotate knitting 4) 2ch, one decrease of four double crochet(dc), cup the thread. Knitting tongue sneakers 5) Attach the pink thread to where the white one attached(beginning of the white thread), we knit 12sc, sl st. We continue to knit the tongue in rotating rows; 1) 3ch, from the second loop from the hook 11dc through back loop we knit, rotate knitting 2) 3ch, from the second loop from the hook 11dc. Trim and hide the thread. Next, we knit the leg; 1) through back loop in a circle (sc, dec)*12=(24) 2) 24sc 3) 12dec=(12) 4-20) 12sc. On the first leg, cut the thread. Keep knitting the top of the sneaker. We attach the pink thread to the remaining half-loops of the side of the sneaker end knit in turning rows(we find the plase where the toe joins the side of the sneaker, count the third loop towards the sock and insert the hook); 1) 30sc, rotate knitting 2) ch, dec, 26sc, dec, rotate knitting=(28) 3) ch, 28sc, rotate knitting 4) ch, dec, 24sc, dec, rotate knitting=(26) 5) ch, 26sc. Trim and hide the thread. Embroider laces with white thread. We also knit the second leg, the thread is not cut off. Body; 1) At the second leg, we do not cut the beige thread, but immediately begin to connect. We put a marker and tie 4sc on the leg, type a chain of 12ch, make a small clubfoot for the legs and attach the chain to the second leg(in the place where we finished knitting the legs). 12sc on the leg, 12sc in the air chain, 8sc on the leg(reached the marker) 2)4sc in the leg, 12sc in the air chain, 32sc=(48) 3)3sc, inc, 12sc, (3sc, inc)*3, 12sc, (3sc, inc)*2=(54) 4-13)54sc 14)(25sc, dec)*2=(52) 15)52sc Changing the thread to white 16)(24sc, dec)*2=(50) 17)50sc 18)(8sc, dec)*5=(45) 19)45sc 20)(7sc, dec)*5=(40) 21)40sc Next, we cut the thread without finishing knitting (leave the tail without making a knot). After we put on the dress, change the thread to beige and continue knitting the head. Wings; 1) Into the magic ring 6sc=(6) 2) 6sc 3) (sc, inc)*3=(9) 4) 9sc 5) (2sc, inc)*3=(12) 6) (3sc, inc)*3=(15) 7-14) 15sc Changing the thread to white 15) 15sc 16) 15sc through back loop 17-19) 15sc 20) (3sc, dec)*3=(12) 21) 12sc 22) (2sc, dec)*3=(9) Fold the wing in half to tie for both walls 4sc. We don't fill our wings tie 16 row 15sc for the left half-loops. Sew wings to an owl at level 20 torso row. Dress; Knit a skirt first 1) 72ch, in the 8th loop from the hook we knit sc(this loop for the button), then we knit sc to the end of the row. 2) We knit in rotating rows. 2ch, sc to the end of the row. 3) 2ch, sc to the end of the row 4) 2ch, sc to the end of the row, close the canvas in a circle and knit another 1 row of sc. 5) In each loop we knit 2 columns 6) Changing the thread color, 3ch, 5dc, skip 2sc, in the next one we knit (2dc, ch, 2dc)*in one loop, skip 2sc, 5dc, and so we knit to the end of therow. Similarly, we knit the following rows, up to the desired length of the skirt Next, we knit the top of the dress and sleeves 1) Attach the thread to the top of skirt and knit(try on the dress for your owl, depending on where you sewed the wings make armholes i had so); 2ch then 12sc, 15ch skip 9 loops then 20sc, 15ch skip 9 loops next, the sc to the end of the row. We knit two rows of sc rotating rows. At the end of the second row we make 8ch loops form another loop for the button. Sleeves; Where we did 15ch for the armhole in the first loop attach a thread of a different color and knit 3ch in 3 loop from the hook do dc 1ch 2dc, skip 2ch in the next loop(2dc, ch, 2dc skip 2ch) repeat to the end secure the thread. Similarly, we knit the second sleeve. Head; Put on a dress and attach a beige thread 22) (sc, inc)*20=(60) 23) (sc, inc)*5, 17sc, (sc, inc)*6, 20sc, inc=(72) 24-34) 72sc 35) 5sc, dec, (10sc, dec)*5, 5sc=(66) 36-38) 66sc 39) (9sc, dec)*6=(60) 40) 4sc, dec, (8sc,dec)*5, 4sc=(54) 41) (7sc, dec)*6=(48) 42) 48sc 43) (7sc, inc)*6=(54) 44-46) 54sc=(54). Leave the thread on top, and we will sew up the head. Beak(yellow thread); 1) Into the magic ring 6sc=(6) 2) 6sc 3) (sc, inc)*3=(9) 4) 9sc. Finish, leave the thread for sewing. Draw a face on it.


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