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You can watch the video footage of the battle for the "Road of life" to Bakhmut, the fighters talk about, here: Recruitment “During the first fire contact, I saw the enemy, who was wearing a helmet with Ukrainian "Pixel" camouflage. They used Ukrainian uniforms,” – the soldiers of the 1st assault battalion of the 3rd SABr, who managed to successfully complete an extremely difficult task, tell. Their task was to repel the enemy from the "Road of life" to Bakhmut, in order to stop the enemy shellings of the road, which is vital for the defense of the city. The groups of stormers had to move under constant enemy fire, overcoming swampy trenches, where weapons would jam due to high humidity. As they jumped into the trenches where the neighboring units were located, the fighters had to reach the so-called "trampoline" - the road that had to be crossed in order to enter the enemy trenches. "The hardest thing was to take a "jump" across the road, as it was under the enemy fire," – mate "Mongol" recalls. The occupants tried to keep this sector under their control in order to prevent a group of stormers from moving to the other side and gaining a foothold there. "Crossing that road makes one of the most thrilling moments and feelings for a fighter. You step out into the open space and see everything around you. You see Bakhmut on your right, and on your left are the shelterbelts from where the enemy’s shooting at you. That is a whirlwind of emotions," – mate "Skald" says. As you jumped into the enemy trench, you could breathe out a little. But then the most interesting part began - the clearing of a long zigzag-shaped trench where the enemy could be lurking around every turn. "You need to peek out and check if the enemy is crawling up to you so that he does not take you by surprise. Besides, you need to look right and left so that the enemy does not run across the field from above," – mate "Mongol" explains, also adding that it was necessary to control everything 360. The enemy acted cunningly and you shouldn’t have underestimated him. "The enemy tried to take cover behind the corpses of their own soldiers. They tried to hide as much as possible and sometimes it was very problematic to locate them," – mate "Storm" remembers. A drone was helping to overcome the difficult path meter by meter, but drones were also used by the enemy and they had to be knocked down. In addition, the soldiers also mention the work of the medics and the titanic efforts they had to make to evacuate a wounded warmate from difficult-to-pass muddy trenches and help wounded fellow soldiers. The story about everything in detail from the first hand – in our new video.


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