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See the full film about the effect of the hair The traditional culture of many peoples of the world stores information about the special sacred attitude to Hair. Long and luxurious hair has always been a matter of pride, honor and a symbol of human nobility. And cut-an indicator of a certain reduction in status, shame and insult to his dignity. We all know about the struggle of the same boyars and other estates for their beards during the reign of Peter the Great. But it can be not only in status is the significance of hair? And there is a more subtle and sacred sense of reverent attitude of Ancestors to their strands? To begin with, let's turn to the fact that brought to our days the national memory in the form of signs, to which many sensitive people still listen. For example, everyone knows that pregnant women can not get a haircut, otherwise the child will not get the necessary energy and information in its development, and the mother during childbirth may not have enough strength and the process will be more difficult. No less well-known is the sign, according to which students can not get a haircut and even wash your hair before exams, so as not to erase from your memory memorized for the delivery of information. Will and superstitions associated with hair, a huge amount, some recommend trimming the hair of certain situations, others strictly to keep them and not be subjected to changes. Anyway-they all boil down to the fact that the hair has certain properties of preservation and accumulation of information and energy. How to use these properties, what do ancient sources say about it and what does modern science reveal to Confirm them? Today we will try to find answers to these questions and understand how to deal with your hair modern man and what you can and what absolutely can not do with your hair. So Our ancestors regarded cut hair large shame. It served as a symbol of a kind of enslavement and submission to someone. But why, after all this is only hair, which grow back and will accept former kind of? Hair, both men and women - it is sacred, deep and incomprehensible to today's generation in full. Modern culture tells people that hairstyle is a personal preference, fashion or convenience, and how people wear their hair is just a cosmetic matter. But in fact, hair is an extremely powerful tool that can change a person's life. And the knowledge of this was not lost, but rather stolen by those who understand the power of a man with long healthy hair. Scientists say that a person's sense of self depends on what is on his head. The scientific approach suggests that Hair has a very specific physical memory. The structure of the hair can be determined, for example, what harmful factors faced in the life of man. Thus, the analysis of the structure of the hair can be almost 100% accurate to determine whether a person has used drugs. Known in the science case - the Analysis of hair of Napoleon Bonaparte identified hanged the content of arsenic that is allowed to nominate one of the hypotheses of his death – a poisoning with poison. The longer the hair, the more information modern science can extract from it. Traditions, myths and legends say that Hair has not only physical, but also energy memory. Many of us feel this on a subconscious level. The hair is not easy for this beauty. They are a kind of natural antennae of our body, which carry the invisible life-giving force of space to the body. It has long been believed that hair is a mirror of health not only of the person, but also of his soul, the personification of beauty and age-old traditions of the Russian people. Everyone adhered to a set of rules about what should be the hair and what to do with them in a given period of life to become a true bearer of ancient Slavic values, such as - loyalty, fearlessness, strength and love, in the highest reading of each of these concepts.These rules had to be followed from infancy, because the hair was a receptacle of vital energy, they carried an inexhaustible charge, contributing to the strengthening and continuation of the species.The ancient Slavs believed that it is through the hair in the human body energy flows through them we receive the protection and wisdom of a sort . Hair, conductors and receivers of energy. Hair is an extension of the nervous system, you can call them nerves on the surface of the body, a kind of highly developed " antennae "or" antennae " that transmit a huge amount of important information to the brain stem. The texture of hair can tell a lot about its owner, for example curly hair says that the energy of human thinking is fast, sharp, variable, about such people say "thoughts curl", and even hair belongs to someone who is more calm and measured, has a smooth flow of thinking. # hair


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