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After their plan to kill Gus fails, Walt (Bryan Cranston) and Jesse (Aaron Paul) must act fast if they are to avoid being killed in revenge. So as Jesse struggles to keep from being implicated in the poisoning of his girlfriend’s son, Walt hatches a desperate scheme that depends on the one person who hates Gus more than anyone else alive. Subscribe for exclusive content: Season Four - Episode Thirteen: "Face Off" Episode Description: As Jesse faces police scrutiny for his comments to Andrea, Walt desperately plots to gain the upper-hand within his season-long game of wits with meth kingpin Gus. Episode Overview: As Walt tracks him down in the hospital waiting room to ask how their plan to kill Gus could have gone awry, Jesse is surprised when two detectives arrive to ask about the poison that is threatening the life of Andrea’s son Brock. Leaving Jesse to talk his way out of the sticky situation, Walt heads to Saul’s office where he finds his secretary Francesca frantically shredding anything that could link her boss to the drug ring. With Francesca demanding money in exchange for contacting Saul, Walt then heads home where he finds a pair of Gus’ hit men waiting. After using an elderly neighbor to distract them, he sneaks inside and recovers some cash from the crawl space hiding spot. Meanwhile, after calling Saul to intervene in the interrogation, Jesse decides to use what he knows about the feud with Tio Salamanca to draw Gus into a trap. Because he hates Gus even more than he does Walt or Jesse, Tio agrees to help. Though the old man actually refuses say anything of value to the DEA, all Walt needs is for Gus to know that a meeting has taken place between Tio and Hank. So, unaware of what Walt has in store for him, Gus sends a henchman to make sure that Tio’s nursing home room isn’t under surveillance. Meanwhile, after learning that Brock is going to make it, Jesse is surprised to find that he’s been cleared of any suspicion in the poisoning. But before he can get back to the hospital room with the good news, he’s kidnapped by Gus’ thug and taken back to the lab where he’s forced continue working. Once he’s been assured that the coast is clear, Gus heads inside the nursing home with plans to kill Tio. But before Gus and his sidekick can give him a lethal injection, Tio triggers a bomb that Walt rigged to his wheelchair, blowing the three of them to kingdom come. With Gus out of the way, all that’s left for Walt to do is destroy the superlab. Making his way inside, he dispatches the guards and, with Jesse’s help, turns the laundry into an inferno that destroys any evidence of their involvement in the drug ring. Finally, as Jesse heads off to reunite with Andrea, a victorious Walt is left to reunite with his family as he ponders his future.

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