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Macedonian Music
Ancient Music
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Alexander the Great
Phillip of Macedon
Ancient Macedon
Total war music
ancient greece
ancient rome
Alexander Music
Ancient Battle Music
battle music
epic music
ancient epic music
Ancient Greek Music
Ancient Roman Music
Roman Battle Music
Hellenic Music
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Composed by Tyler Cunningham The Companions (Hetairoi) were the elite cavalry of the Macedonian army from the time of king Philip II of Macedon, achieved their greatest prestige under Alexander the Great, and have been regarded as the first or among the first shock cavalry used in Europe. Chosen Companions formed the elite guard of the king Foot Companions (Pezhetairoi) were the backbone of the Macedonian army and Diadochi kingdoms. They first came to prominence during the reign of Philip II, particularly when they played such an important role in Philip's subjugation of Greece at the Battle of Chaeronea in 338 BCE. The name "foot companions" was used by Phillip II, father of Alexander the Great as an ancient recruiting method. By labeling his infantry as his personal "companions" and "friends," Philip was able to engage a wider manpower base for his subsequent military campaigns, as positions in his personal infantry would denote pride and honor. All artwork and images are owned by their respective artist and owners. Need music for your game or project? Leave a comment, contact me here or on any of my social media. More Music Bandcamp: Soundcloud: Spotify: Twitter: Unity Asset Store: Music Making Gear: Ancient History T-shirts:

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  • Os formatos de melhor qualidade são FullHD (1080p), 2K (1440p), 4K (2160p) e 8K (4320p). Quanto maior for a resolução da sua tela, maior deverá ser a qualidade do vídeo. No entanto, há outros fatores a serem considerados: velocidade de download, quantidade de espaço livre e desempenho do dispositivo durante a reprodução.

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  • A maneira mais conveniente é usar o programa UDL Client, que suporta a conversão de vídeo para o formato MP3. Em alguns casos, o download de MP3 também pode ser feito por meio da extensão UDL Helper.

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