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Death of a Party Girl by TV Girl Lyrics: She said come over there’s nobody home I went over there was nobody home But her light was on Her light was on And i’m not as drunk as i seem Still I stood out there in the street Throwing stones at her window Like i saw somebody do on TV 7 days til sunday She said come over there’s nobody home She said I know that’s what i told you before But here in New York you don’t need excuses to dress like a girl Sex drugs and deceit I guess she’s not as frail as she seems I pushed as hard as i could But she said that’s ok because that’s the way that i like it 7 days til sunday She said come over cuz everyone’s here And i’m glad she had to make that clear Smoking cigs on her roof Laughing at the people on the train cuz they’re not like us But I lost the drugs and I stayed too long I got drunk and made fun of her band But thank god it was sunday and there’s more than just one way To ruin a one night stand 7 days til sunday - "Her hair was unkempt, frazzled, as though she'd been trying to tear it out by the roots, and her face seemed shapeless, blank. But maybe it was the distance or the strange light, because as she came towards me, moving coldly, disdainfully, yet dreamily, not as a body but as shifting shimmering light, she seemed to grow in stature and her years dropped away. She walked like a good politician, simulating dignity, self-assurance, humility. Already practicing probably for the last walk to follow." -The Public Burning released May 8, 2018 All the songs were written by Brad Petering. And were mixed and mastered by Jason Wyman. The Song "Drift Down" incorporates elements of a song of the same name by a group called "Snow Mantled Love" A great band that never got their fair due. The song "Death of a Party Girl" uses a sample of the song "New Tomorrow" by the Legendary Pink Dots. Used here with the generous permission of lead dot Edward Ka-Spel. Additional vocals were provided by Molly Raney, who performs as "Poppet" and is worth checking out. Even more additional vocals were provided by Lydia Fothergill. - Chillwavve Records Store: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: Join the Discord: Chillwavve Spotify Playlist:

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