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先日カワウソたちの夏用プールを出しました。 この夏用デカプールは11月くらいまで毎日ガンガン使って消耗が激しいので、毎年新しいのに買い替えてます。なので去年のを早く捨てたいのですが、長いパイプってどうやって捨てたらええんでしょうか?? ちなみにガジローにやられた穴だらけホースですが、こちらご心配なく、先端が外せるので穴だらけの部分を切っちゃえば元通りへっちゃらです 【カワウソコタロー&ハナ オフィシャルストア】グッズの購入はこちら 【チャンネル登録はこちら】コメントもらえると嬉しいです ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ 【LINE公式アカウント】 【Instagram】 【Twitter】 楽曲提供:若林タカツグ/カッパエンタテインメント Audiostock Epidemic Sound 【コツメカワウソについて】 カワウソを飼うのはとても大変です。可愛いだけでは決して飼えません。鳴き声はうるさく、噛むこともあります。活発なのでケージに閉じ込めておくことはできませんし、餌代や水道代など維持費はとても高額になります。 私たちはカワウソ達を留守番させることはありません。人間の子供のように常に近くで見ていて、何よりもカワウソ達のことを一番優先しています。 カワウソが欲しいと思ってる人は、生活の全てをカワウソに捧げる覚悟がないと絶対に飼ってはいけません。 また、現在コツメカワウソの輸出入は禁止されています。 日本では国内ブリードのカワウソのみ取引が可能ですが、出生時の記録、マイクロチップの挿入、環境省からの登録証が必要となります。 登録証がないカワウソを取引、販売した場合はとても重い罪で罰せられます。 必ず事前によく調べて、何があっても本当に最後まで面倒を見られるかを今一度よく考えてからお迎えしてください。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Welcome to Kotaro and Hana's Channel! Leave a like and Subscribe if you enjoyed! Thanks =) 【KOTSUMET OFFICIAL SHOP】 *International shipping is available, but there are currently some areas that cannot be delivered due to the COVID-19. __________________________________________ For languages besides English and Japanese, please click the CC icon to turn subtitles on or off. Twitter : Instagram: 【About Asian Small-clawed Otters】 First, otters are different from sea otters. Sea otters spend most of their time in the water, but otters can live both on the ground and in water. A few years ago, trafficking otters became a serious problem, and in 2019, CITES (Washington Convention) increased the classification of otters from CITESⅡ to CITES I, which banned international trade. Having an otter as a pet is illegal in most countries. However, in Japan, otters can be traded, although it is limited to domestic breeds only. Currently, severe restrictions are in place for buying and selling otters in Japan. For example, microchips need to be inserted in both babies and parents, and owners need a special permit. Circumstances of birth must also be reported in detail. As a result, there is currently no buying and selling of baby otters in the market. There is a severe penalty for selling and buying otters with unknown birth origins without permits. This was effective in eliminating trafficking, and we don’t see otter trafficking on the news anymore. Kotaro and Hana were both born in Japan and have permits. It is so much work to have an otter as a pet. You need to be ready for more than its cuteness. They are loud, and they sometimes bite you. Food and water get very expensive, and you cannot keep otters in cages because they are active. Also, we never leave them at home. We always look after them closely like we do with human children, and our top priority is always them. If you want to have an otter as a pet, you must be able to follow the law and devote your life to it. If you don’t have that resolve, you should never have one as a pet. Thank you ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

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