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Sister’s ∞ mercY
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Original Links: Song: Hitoshizuku x Yama (ひとしずく×やま△) Illustration/Video: Suzunosuke (鈴ノ助) Tosao (とさお) English Translation: Forgetfulsubs Subs: Magenetra “Come revere and give your praises to the god who loves tea ... ... then surely all your wishes will come true” Here's a quick quick collaboration with Myo and I to sub this fantastic song~ It counts as both her and our Kagamine song for the day, so looks like we killed two birds with one stone. I really love this song, and I'm excited for the new album Hitoshizukuxyama will release soon~ *At 2:11 it says "us" instead of what is correct, "is" and I can't believe I didn't catch that sigh.... *Note, this song may have ads, but that is due to the producer copywriting this upload, meaning that the ads are put up by the producer, not us* This producer explicitly states that they allow subbed translations of their songs in their terms and conditions, if they wish us to remove it still then we will~ *This upload was made solely for the purpose of expanding the audience of the song and this song does not belong to us, please support the original upload* Lyrics: ある日のこと 貧しいその村に ちょっと不思議な シスターがやってきた 「お茶好きの神を 崇め讃えなさい、 どんな願いも叶うでしょう」 One day, in that poor old village a rather mysterious sister showed up “Come revere and give your praises to the god who loves tea ... ... then surely all your wishes will come true” 雨不足でお困り、農夫さん? 「恵み」を求めて 今夜 お茶会へ♪ Oh, mr. farmer over there, troubled over the lack of rain? Come tonight to my tea party, requesting for a “blessing”♪ Jesus!! 祈れ、祈れ Believer 救いを強請るなら Oh Yeah!! 甘い甘いBrightなRedを貢げ、さあ! Cheers!! 注げ、注げ Amazing! 鮮やかなRedでお腹を満たされたら ああ、もう願いが叶っちゃう Jesus!! Pray and pray Believer, if you demand for salvation Oh Yeah!! Then pay up for this sweet sweet Bright Red, now! Cheers!! Pour and pour Amazing!! When you’ve filled your stomach with this bright Red, Aa! All your wishes will come true 「願いが叶う」真夜中のTeaparty 村人たちは すっかり狂信者 「楽して儲けたい、とかーー あいつを〇したい、とかーー」 なんて欲深き、人の性(さが)」 A midnight Tea Party, “where all your wishes come true” The villagers have all long become firm believers, “I just wanna make money without trying... ... “I wanna #%^$ that girl... ... Oh what greed filled human nature” 金鉱が掘りたい、守銭奴・村長さん? 「奇跡」を求めて 今宵、お茶会へ♪ Oh Mr. Village chief/stingy miser, who wants to dig up a gold mine? Come tonight to my tea party, wanting for a “miracle”♪ Jesus!! 祈れ、祈れ Believer 救いを強請るなら Oh Yeah! もっともっとBrightなRedを貢げ、さあ! Cheers!! 注げ、注げ Amazing! 鮮やかなRedでお腹を満たされたら 嗚呼、もう願いが叶っちゃう Jesus!! Pray and pray Believer, if you demand for salvation Oh Yeah!! Then pay up more and more for this Bright Red, now! Cheers!! Pour and pour Amazing!! When you’ve filled your stomach with this bright Red, Aa! All your wishes will come true 楽しい物語 もいつかは終わるものです 新たな迷い子を 救いにいきましょう・・・ 惜しまれつつ 旅たつシスターさん 最後のお茶会に 皆が強請るのです 「∞」 Even the most fun stories must one day come to an end, such is life... ... I shall go to save a new flock of sheep now… ... The sister, gradually becoming more and more frugal, heading off on a journey To her final tea party everyone comes to make their demands… ... “Eternity” Jesus!! 祈れ、祈れ Believer!! 永遠を乞うなら Oh Yeah! こぞって、こぞってParadiseを目指せ、さあ! Departure!! 急げ、急げ Arrival! 鮮やかなRedも、意識も手放したら さあ、目的地はすぐそこです!! Jesus!! Pray and pray Believer, if it is eternity you ask for Oh Yeah!! Then let’s all together, all together aim for Paradise, come on! Departure!! Hurry, hurry Arrival!! Once you’ve let go of that bright red of yours, and your very consciousness Then your destination will be right before you!! Jesus!! 祈れ、祈れ Believer 救いを強請るなら Oh Yeah! もっともっとBrightなRedをぶちまけろ、さあ!! Cheers!! 注げ、注げ Delicious! 鮮やかなRedでお腹を満たされたら! 嗚呼、もうそろそろ、頃合いね Blood Tea Partyはお開き♪ Jesus!! Pray and pray Believer, if you demand for salvation Oh Yeah!! Then you gotta splatter that Bright and Red stuff more and more, come on! Cheers!! Pour and pour Delicious!! When you’ve filled your stomach with this bright Red, Then, ah, I guess the time is right Time to open this Blood Tea Party♪ 「Amen・・・・・」 ある日のこと 寂れた廃村で 男は一人 静かに涙した 朽ち果て散らばった 骸の誰もが 幸せに「死んで(たびだ)」ったのだろう・・・・ One day, in a broken down ghost town A man, alone, had shed tears Did all of these corpses decaying and scattered “die (depart)” happily he wonders... ...

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