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decree to astrea
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In the name I AM THAT I AM ELOHIM Saint Germain, Portia, Guru Ma, Lanello Padma Sambhava, Kuan Yin and the Five Dhyani Buddhas In the name I AM THAT I AM SANAT KUMARA Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Jesus Christ OM VAIROCHANA • AKSHOBHYA • RATNASAMBHAVA AMITABHA • AMOGHASIDDHI • VAJRASATTVA OM In the name of the beloved Mighty Victorious Presence of God I AM in me, Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Selves of Keepers of the Flame, Lightbearers of the world and all who are to ascend in this life, by and through the magnetic power of the sacred fire vested in the Threefold Flame burning within my heart, I call to beloved Mighty Astrea and Purity, Archangel Gabriel and Hope, beloved Serapis Bey and the seraphim and cherubim of God, beloved Guru Ma and Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth! to lock your cosmic circles and swords of blue flame in, through, and around: Insert 1 my four lower bodies, my electronic belt, my heart chakra and all of my chakras, my entire consciousness, being, and world. Cut me loose and set me free (3x) from all that is less than God’s perfection and my own divine plan fulfilled. 1. O beloved Astrea, may God Purity Manifest here for all to see, God’s divine Will shining through Circle and sword of brightest blue. First chorus:* Come now answer this my call, Lock thy circle round us all. Circle and sword of brightest blue, Blaze now, raise now, shine right through! 2. Cutting life free from patterns unwise, Burdens fall off while souls arise Into thine arms of infinite Love, Merciful shining from heaven above. 3. Circle and sword of Astrea now shine, Blazing blue-white my being refine, Stripping away all doubt and fear, Faith and goodwill patterns appear. Second chorus: Come now answer this my call, Lock thy circle round us all. Circle and sword of brightest blue, Raise our youth now, blaze right through! Third chorus: Come now answer this my call, Lock thy circle round us all. Circle and sword of brightest blue, Raise mankind now, shine right through! *Give the decree once, using the first chorus after each verse. Give it a second time, using the second chorus after each verse. Give it a third time, using the third chorus after each verse. These three sets of three verses followed by each of the three choruses comprise one giving of the decree, or one Astrea pattern. (Use each insert separately in the decree in place of or in addition to insert 1. These inserts may also be used in 7.03 and 7.05.) Insert 2 All influence and infiltration by the fallen angels and the godless in America, in the American educational system, and on every college and university campus in America and the world; all interference of the fallen angels and the godless with the federal government of the United States, with the politics and economics of every nation upon earth, with the administration of state and local affairs, with law-making bodies, law-enforcement agencies, our courts, and with all public officials vested with the authority to administer justice, law, order, and God-government over the earth —with their causes and cores. Insert 3 The cause and core of war in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Korea, Taiwan, the United States of America, North and South America, Europe, Africa, the Middle and Far East, India, Asia, Southeast Asia, Russia and the former Soviet republics, China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Tibet __________________________ ; all aggression, infiltration, and spy activities by the fallen angels and the godless in America and the world; all hate and hate creations generated by activities of the fallen angels and the godless against the United States, the Americas, and all who are dedicated to freedom in the service of the Light—with their causes and cores. Insert 4 All opposition to the expansion of the Light through The Summit Lighthouse, our beloved Messengers, their family and staff, students and local groups; all criticism, condemnation, and judgment of the Ascended Masters, the Messengers and their Teachings; all carnal chattering, religious bigotry, gossip, gossip entities, and misinformation concerning Ascended Master law; all lying entities, psychic riptides, black magic, and witchcraft directed against the Light and the Freedom and Illumination of all mankind—with their causes and cores. Use the Astrea decree generously for loved ones and those in the vanguard of service to the Light as well as for those misguided individuals whose unwholesome activities need containment. Use it for candidates seeking election at all levels of government, for those now holding office, for our men and women on the battlefields of the world, and for those who have recently passed on in order to facilitate their transition to higher realms. Original video by Light Flame

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