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Man Of No Ego
Blinkers Removed
Web Of Life
432hz music
Alan Watts
New Age
432hz album
Osho Music
Music Osho
Alan Watts Music
Music Alan Watts
Man of No Ego eBook
Space Ambient
Yoga Music
Sleep Music
Man of No Ego Live
Ambient Music
Carbon Based Lifeforms
Solar Fields
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▶︎Spotify: ▶︎Bandcamp: ▶︎PATREON: ▶︎Link in Bio: ▶︎Facebook: ▶︎Instagram: If you feel you can support my journey via crypto: ERC20 - 0x528e7B3EBbD3B85AF842f0e4E983af3B88925D82 BTC - 1Jq1c17oa5vajjFrkfkEBFe7kbEtjvNciA May all beings live in Love, Light and Peace. New Album 00:00 Celestial Medicine 07:20 Blinkers Removed 15:20 Tara 23:47 Harmony Of The Universe 32:30 Black In White 38:25 Calm With Me 46:20 The Continuum 53:58 Shadow Of Breath The second album is produced in 432hz tunning and features sampled speech from Acharya Rajneesh. As a world healer, his teachings are deep and profound. The album aims to deliver these messages and reach out to the people who are of that vibration. Time-Lapse footage with kind permission from: LYRICS: Than for the first time you look around And the beauty nature is revealed Then you listen to the harmony of the universe The symphony of the stars Than everything starts to become more and more beautiful Layers and layers of beauty are revealed You eyes have a penetrating force Wherever you look You go deep Even in rocks You feel flowers blossoming What you are In this vast universe Not even a small cell If you listen to the ego The ego will put you again and again On a neurotic path The path of being somebody For your real being no competition is needed You are already that The highest But man is very egoistic He cannot feel at ease Just to be himself He wants some great mission To be attached to his ego I don't see any The whole may have something But no individual has it Life you can live, as if you are in a hypnosis That is how 99% people live Or you can live with intensity, awareness If you live life with awareness You mature A Mature ones, never dies Because he will learn even through death Even death is going to be an experience To be intensively lived Watched Allowed Everything that is, is now Everything that is alive is now alive Now is the only time The only eternity Darkness does not exist It only appears to be In fact it is just an absence of light Light exists Remove the light There is darkness This moment is all And my insistence is this That you are already that which you are searching A child is energy Sheer delight and energy Just jumping for no reason And so happy That even if you reached to the paradise You will not jump like that And he is jumping for nothing Or he has gathered few collored stones And is simply mad with delight Be like a child And always retain The purity Life is a river A flow A continues With no beginning And no end It is not going somewhere It is always here Enlightenment is not something that you have to choose When there is no choice That which remains is enlightenment The ego is afraid It is saying What are you doing Loosing yourself Listen to the gaps Between the words Listen to the emptiness Between the lines Listen to me not what I say Then an understanding will arise And suddenly like a flash of lightening You will be able to see me And the original that is right now happening before you Music does not mean much In fact it doesnt mean at all Just sounds But music gives you something of the unknown Life seems just a shadow of breath when breath disappears Life disappears So this phenomena of breath Has to be understood This is the way to live One moment Be in it But be in it so totally That nothing is left be to carried in another moment Never carry on things from the past, it is gone Every moment, be rid of it Solved or not solved Nothing can be done about it Drop it off Why this constant inquiry What to do Can't you allow life in any way You can waste your life easily, with comfort You can live comfortably And you can die comfortably With me, there is danger Subscribe for upcoming releases. Thank you!

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