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How to Make a Green Screen Green chroma key The green screen effect is a type of chroma key. The idea is to create a pure green background which is then replaced with whatever background image you want. This tutorial shows you how to set up a green screen (cheaply if necessary) and how to use it in your video productions. The tutorial includes: Planning the studio setting Green screen material Lighting the green screen Incorporating green screen footage into your videos More Tips There are numerous variations on the standard green screen technique and you will need to develop your own system based on the resources you have available. Whatever you do, remember the two most important considerations: The colour and lighting of the green screen needs to be as even as possible. You can't have anything in the foreground (i.e. part of the the subjects) which is the same colour as the green screen. Before you begin any construction, it's a good idea to plan your studio layout and green screen size. There is nothing worse than building a green screen which ends up being not quite wide enough. Set up your proposed studio area and camera(s). Go through every type of shot you could possibly want and measure the total required background area. Allow enough room to change your mind about framing or widen the shot more than you originally thought. Also, allow extra space to the sides of the screen to place lights. Ideally there should be some space between the foreground subjects and the green screen — this makes lighting easier. Plan your budget. Green Screen Material:- There is some debate over which materials are acceptable for use as a green screen. Many professionals will tell you that the colour must be just the right shade of green, or that the screen must be made of certain material. It is certainly true that some materials and colours are better, but in reality you can make an effective green screen from just about any smooth, green surface. If you really want the best possible screen you should do an Internet search for green screen material. There are numerous websites which sell specialist material and with a little research you can find something to suit your studio. Be aware that professional green screen material can be quite expensive. In the more likely event that you would like a cheap option to get started with, you will be glad to hear that it's not hard finding useable material. There are three main options: Use a solid material such as cardboard or wood, painted green. Use flexible or spongy material such as foam, spandex, etc. If you're going this way, you are probably better off to buy professional material. Use some sort of fabric. You can either buy green material or buy white material and paint/dye it green. Fabric Go to a good fabric store and look through the selection — you should be able to find at least several choices. The material should not be too reflective — this tends to create lighter "hotspots". Lighter, brighter green is better than dark green. Material which is crease-resistant is very desirable. Wrinkles are the enemy and you will appreciate material which can be set up and moved without destroying the smoothness. Heavy material is good for providing consistent colour, especially if there is any possibility of anything behind the screen showing through. However it can be prone to more creasing. If you need to pack up the material for storage or moving, roll it rather than fold it — this helps reduce wrinkling. It's a good idea to use a cylindrical object with a diameter of at least 5-10cm (2-4") to roll the material onto, for example, the heavy cardboard cylinders used as the centre of newsprint rolls. You may want to iron your material from time to time to keep wrinkles away. If you are going to paint or dye the material, make sure you will be able to iron it. Note than ironing a piece of material this large without creating new creases can be a challenge. Hang the material in whatever manner suits your situation. For example, you could use thumbtacks or a shower rail attached to the wall. To make a mobile screen, use two stands (such as light stands or mic stands) and mount a rail between them. You could also make stands from clothing racks, hat stands, or any similar type of frame. Solid Material Cardboard or wood has the advantage of providing a nice consistent surface, free of wrinkles. The disadvantage is that it's more difficult to pack up and move. Although you can use any light, bright green paint, it is better to use a tint designed for green screens. Do a search for "chroma key paint" to see some options.

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  • Najlepsze formaty jakości to FullHD (1080p), 2K (1440p), 4K (2160p) i 8K (4320p). Im wyższa rozdzielczość ekranu, tym wyższa powinna być jakość wideo. Istnieją jednak inne czynniki, które należy wziąć pod uwagę: szybkość pobierania, ilość wolnego miejsca i wydajność urządzenia podczas odtwarzania.

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  • Przeglądarka/komputer nie powinny zawieszać się całkowicie! Jeśli tak się stanie, zgłoś to, podając link do filmu. Czasami filmów nie można pobrać bezpośrednio w odpowiednim formacie, dlatego dodaliśmy możliwość konwersji pliku do żądanego formatu. W niektórych przypadkach proces ten może aktywnie wykorzystywać zasoby komputera.

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  • Wideo można pobrać na smartfon za pomocą strony internetowej lub aplikacji PWA UDL Lite. Możliwe jest również wysłanie linku do pobrania za pomocą kodu QR przy użyciu rozszerzenia UDL Helper.

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  • Najwygodniejszym sposobem jest użycie programu UDL Client, który obsługuje konwersję wideo do formatu MP3. W niektórych przypadkach MP3 można również pobrać za pomocą rozszerzenia UDL Helper.

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  • Ta funkcja jest dostępna w rozszerzeniu UDL Helper. Upewnij się, że opcja "Pokaż przycisk migawki wideo" jest zaznaczona w ustawieniach. Ikona kamery powinna pojawić się w prawym dolnym rogu odtwarzacza, po lewej stronie ikony "Ustawienia". Po jej kliknięciu bieżąca klatka z filmu zostanie zapisana na komputerze w formacie JPEG.

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  • To nic nie kosztuje. Nasze usługi są całkowicie darmowe dla wszystkich użytkowników. Nie ma subskrypcji PRO, nie ma ograniczeń co do liczby lub maksymalnej długości pobieranych filmów.