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Pobrać "GitS (2017) OST - 27 - Who are you"

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ghost in the shell
ghost in the shell soundtrack
ghost in the shell 2017
ghost in the shell 2017 soundtrack
ghost in the shell trailer song
ghost in the shell film
ghost in the shell trailer music
original soundtrack
motion picture
scarlett johansson
lorne balfe
clint mansell
kenji kawai
rupert sanders
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{ Where do these tracks came from ? } I've download the digital release of Ghost in the Shell (2017), and extract the audio. After processing (see the processing section bellow for more details), I've upload them to YouTube. This OST is absolutely NON-official and all rights belong to the official production and distribution companies. This album is composed by Clint Mansell (which had already written the score for Requiem for a Dream or The Fountain) but also Lorne Balfe, a less famous compositor (for me at least) who has collaborated with Hans Zimmer on multiple projects. { Audio Processing } First thing to know, the original audio stream is a 6 channels audio (5.1). If you're not familiar with 5.1, it means that you got 3 front speakers (left, center and right), a subwoofer (aka LFE) and 2 rear speakers. Mostly every time in a movie, the vocals are located in the center. Therefore, if you cut off the center channel, you end up with only music and sound effects. That why in this album there're some gun shoot, vocals (from reverberation or mind-comms) and other noises. I'm sorry, I am not a professional in audio processing. If anyone knows how to effectively remove all of these, fell free to message me. (I don't know if this is some kind of seft-persuation, but I don't think it's a real problem, it makes this album a bit special.) Also, everything has been downmix to stereo. { What is the quality of these files ? } Audio encoding of the film: Codec: A52 audio (aka AC3) Channels: 3F2R/LFE (5.1) Sampling Frequency: 48000 Hz Bit rate: 384 Kbits/sec I've extract the AC3 file. Finally, I've save the final audio with these properties: Codec: Vobis Audio (a .ogg file) Channels: Stereo Sampling Frequency: 44100 Hz Bit rate: 320 Kbits/sec The mp3 alternative has the exact same properties. Note: After analysis of the audio, it seems that even the original audio got a lowpass around 18500 Hz, it's not a problem in my conversion of the audio. { Why this name for the track ? } I've try to choose for each track, a title related to his use in the movie. It was a bit arbitrary so if you have any suggestions, feel free to tell me in the comment section. { See also } The playlist for this album: The OST Mix for an undisrupted hour-long experience: [Sorry, it got copyright claimed] Also, the bonus section of the album where you can find some ambient tracks, extended tracks, the Main Theme for the recent film as for the 1995 film by Mamoru Oshii. Link of the bonus section: If you're interested by downloading the uncompressed version (YouTube limitations...) : By the way, I'm not sure if this is really legal, try to make local copies of these files if you can. The Album Cover is of my own creation, but it's greatly inspired by concept of posters made by Ash Horp's team. You can check all their beautiful work for the film at this link: You can independently download the Album Cover here: You can also sign this petition to release an official Ghost in the Shell soundtrack:

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