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다운로드 "Jokes and fails with our pets 2: how Mishka seduced Sonya / SANI vlog"

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The most ridiculous and ridiculous situations with our pets in one issue: jokes and fails with our pets 2. I'll tell you what unusual foods and non-foods our animals eat. I'll tell you how we lost the cat Mishka again and where we eventually found it. I will show how Mishka seduced Sonya for several years and tried to “roll up” to her, and Sonya flirted with him. In this issue you will also see the fears of cats: how a cat was frightened of various objects and beat them with its paw. I will show how Dunya jumps on the windowsill (unsuccessfully), how the Boss was looking for something with his nose in the cat's tray, and how the dog is afraid when the neighbors have repairs. Our channel: ● Second channel: ● Insta: ● VK: ● Group: Cover author: ● VK: ● Insta: From any photo will make a masterpiece! Examples of work in the profile. $ Voluntary donations: ● YuMoney: 410012231378432 Cooperation ► [email protected] Hi all. My name is Sasha. We pick up homeless animals from the street and with the help of this #sanishow channel we find them a new home. This section is called "Animal Rescue". On our SUNSHOW channel there is an ANIMAL RESCUE playlist. All videos about helping animals are collected there. We also tell interesting stories from life, make jokes with animals, and much more... Love and do not hurt animals. Do good deeds! ____ Bobruisk. Republic of Belarus.

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