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National Railway Museum (Building)
York (City/Town/Village)
45699 Galatea
60009 Union of South Africa
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On a beautiful sunny day I headed off to York to see 2 steam locos. The first steam loco we see on the mainline in this program is David Smith's jubilee 45699 Galatea as she is hauling The Scarborough Steam Special from Skegness to Scarborough and return as far as York were 2 47 diesels would take the train back to Skegness later in the evening, Notice when she leaves the latch to hold the smoke box door shut was missing at the time this film was taken. I was abit shocked when I first saw it and I thought that can't be right. But despite that 45699 put on a awesome show when departing for Scarborough which she was running 14 mins late at that point. The other steam loco we see in this program is John Cameron's A4 pacific 60009 Union of South Africa going through the station to Holgate sidings from The NRM in readiness to take over from a WCRC 47 who was bringin the last day of The Cathedrals Explorer from Durham from York 60009 took the train onto London Victoria were the 8 day event finished. We spend a short time in the museum before heading back to the station to get 45699 Galatea coming back from Scarborough. While in the museum for the first stint we see the turntable demonstration taking place which i got there in the nick of time before the turntable moved with 3717 City of Truro on the turntable. We see the workshop were we see the boiler and tender of 4472 Flying Scotsman the main frames are at Ian Riley's 4472 was alongside another of David Smith's engines 5972 Olton Hall as she was undergoing maintenance before she heads back to Carnforth for her final 2 railtours But that part is another story. We return to York station to get 45699 bringing the train back from Scarborough arriving 4 mins early and departing right on time for Holgate sidings from there 45699 and her support coach was uncoupled from the train from there 45699 headed off for home back to Carnforth Steam town. We return to the museum for the final stint before heading back home were mostly is in the great hall of the NRM to sum up then it was a amazing day in brilliant weather conditions and seeing 2 mainline steam locos in 1 day. Thanks for reading enjoy the film

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