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The most difficult part of the job, when an ordinary resident tries to make electrical wiring in the house with their own hands, is the connection of wires in the junction box. In order not to make mistakes in this, I simply and in detail try to tell and show in this video how to connect the wires in the switchbox, how to connect the outlet, connect the switch and connect the two-switch to the chandelier. I show on the example of a copper cable VVG and self-clamp terminals Vago. Why I chose Vago's self-clamping terminals in the video All information for ordinary people of simple languages ​​in this playlist Help channel: Webmoney Z345112632730 R255774763420 Yandex.Money 41001534672996 Having looked this video up to the end, you can make the installation of electrical wiring in an apartment or house, including a wooden one, with your own hands. It is necessary for wiring in the house, the principles of assembly and the location of the distribution board, the methods of connecting the wires and the installation of electrical wiring. And also, much more. After watching the video, you will not become a professional electrician, but you will get knowledge that will definitely help you, make electrical wiring in the house with your own hands. The magazine "How to do everything yourself" tells about various useful tips that will be useful to every person in his life, regardless of gender and age. We will try to talk simply about how best to make a product, how to make your choice, or how best to proceed in a given situation. All the suggested councils are tested on their own experience.

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