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Try this track on Alpha Jams: Keyboard Version in Dm: Download This Psychedelic Rock Jam Track w/ separate tracks for your own mix 👉 If you don’t know what I mean by “separate tracks”, check out this video: ******************************************************* 🎸🔔💵 PLEASE SUPPORT THIS CONTENT 💵🔔🎸 🔔 Hit That "SUBSCRIBE" Button!👆 Ring That Bell 🔔 It REALLY helps me out! 🎸Check out my BANDCAMP. Buy individual tracks, or better yet SUBSCRIBE. For $5 get tons of Backing Tracks; plus separate BASS, DRUM, GUITAR, KEYS, WHATEVER STEMS, and BONUS TRACKS from my back-catalog. Don't Forget about that Subscriber Only material.👉 🎸Want more tracks with these awesome graphics? ALPHAJAMS has them all and more. Check it out here👉 💵 Just looking to say thanks? "BUY" (PayPal) Me A Drink! 🍻🤗👉 ***************************************************************** -🎸ABOUT THE GRAPHICS 🎸- Your goal as a soloist is to create MELODY. Alpha Jams neck diagrams give you the notes you can use to create melody in REAL TIME. 🎸THE LAYERS The Diagrams show 3 layers of information: 1. PENTATONIC - The Basic Level. The pentatonic scale works all the time and almost never changes. This is where most of your standard rock and blues licks come from. The BLUES SCALE - is a variation of the pentatonic that adds a “BLUES NOTE”. 2. MODE - The mode will always be the pentatonic PLUS 2 NOTES (modes have 7 notes). The mode can change depending on the chords (modal interchange). You can use the mode to create more complex melody, or use it as a means of connecting chord tones together. 3. CHORD - The chord layer shows you the notes of the chord changes (aka the HARMONY) in REAL TIME. Play any of the notes TOGETHER and make CHORDS. Play them separately and make ARPEGGIOS. Outgoing notes get smaller and fade out, incoming notes will fade in, so you know what notes to go for next. The chord notes will generally only sound good when they are shown on screen, so try to keep up. 🎸THE NOTE LABELS Note labels tell us about the way the notes SOUND or BEHAVE in music. R = ROOT - This is the MAIN NOTE. The key center, the tonal center, the BIG BOSS. m2 = MINOR 2ND - a very dark, unstable note in a chord or scale, usually wants to go to the ROOT. M2 = MAJOR 2ND - a happier, more stable color note, often added to chords for major flavor. I'm looking at you Jimi. m3 = MINOR 3RD - This note makes a chord or scale MINOR. M3 = MAJOR 3RD - This note makes a chord or scale MAJOR. P4 = PERFECT 4TH - This note is not very stable in harmony so it is often considered a suspension, which means it wants to resolve to a chord tone like the 3RD. D5 = DIMINISHED 5TH - 🤘🤘 The most unstable note of them all. Diabolus in musica 😈 The Devil. Also, the b5 BLUES NOTE! P5 = PERFECT 5TH - This, along with the ROOT, is the MAIN SUPPORT of a chord or scale (think power chords 🤘🤘) m6 = MINOR 6th - A very unstable, vibey minor sound. Usually wants to go to P5. M6 = MAJOR 6TH - A VERY GROOVY major sound. This note gives the Dorian Mode its Dorian-ness! m7 = MINOR 7TH - A very important note in dominant 7 and m7 chords. It's also a really great note in the MINOR PENTATONIC SCALE. M7 = MAJOR 7TH - This note is found in MAJOR, HARMONIC and MELODIC MINOR scales. It sounds very DISSONANT against the ROOT. It's also the reason you hate soloing in the IONIAN mode. The label numbers and names come from the MUSIC INTERVAL SYSTEM. Google it! In the AlphaJams App you can control the note labels, which layer, and how much of the neck you see! ******* 🔊🔊 SOCIAL MEDIA ➢Instagram: ➢TIKTOK: ➢Facebook: ************ ©©© Copyright and Usage/Licensing All Music and Video performed, programmed, recorded, mixed and owned by Renzo Staiano For business inquiries or questions about licensing contact: [email protected]

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