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Just listen! It is a vibrational tuning with sounds of a certain resonance frequency 8 Hz, 64 Hz, 128 Hz able to heal Bones, Joints, Blood circulation. Regeneration and stimulation of the body with Schumann healing frequencies. The human body is an aggregate of energy fields and constant dynamic movement. We are an open system in which there is no constancy. Everything is only vibrations and their effects. "In fact there is no matter at all. Everything and everyone is formed from vibrations. The fundamental property of biological systems is their vibrational nature." This is a statement by the famous 19th century physicist Max Planck. We are constantly in motion. It is this property of the human organism that is used in energy-informational medicine. Sound treatment - indications: - Healing of bones and joints, - Improving blood circulation, - Deep relaxation and calming. - Relieves muscle tension, cramps and pain. - Stimulates nerve endings in the skin and hair. For example, the pineal gland picking up the frequency of 8 Hz makes the left and right hemispheres work synchronously, the hemispheres only in this state begin to control the subcortex producing hormones. Schumann waves are necessary for the synchronisation of biological rhythms and the normal existence of all life on Earth.

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