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added sugar
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body aging
dangers of sugar
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tooth decay
type 2 diabetes
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what is prediabetes
you might quit sugar forever after watching this
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Sugar has a questionable reputation when it comes to our health. Sugar occurs naturally in all carbohydrate-containing foods, such as fruits and vegetables, grains, and dairy. It is okay to consume complete foods that include natural sugar. Since your body breaks down these foods slowly, sugar gives your cells a steady energy supply. Eating fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can lower your risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and several types of cancer. However, when you consume too much added sugar or sugar added to foods by producers to enhance flavor or lengthen shelf life, you put your health at significant risk for illness. Other videos recommended for you: 🎥WATCH : 7 Warning Signs That You Are Prediabetic - 🎥WATCH : Drink Water On An Empty Stomach Immediately After Waking Up - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ⚠️Medical Disclaimer: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ✅ Sources: ⌛Timestamps: ⏱️ Intro - 0:00 ⏱️ Let's Start By Understanding How Much Sugar Is Excessive For Us - 00:43 ⏱️ Now Let’s Delve Into The Dangers Of Consuming Sugar - 01:31 ⏱️ Effects On The Brain - 01:43 ⏱️ Tooth Decay - 02:26 ⏱️ Your Joints - 02:52 ⏱️ Your Body Ages - 03:09 ⏱️ Your Liver - 03:31 ⏱️ Heart - 03:59 ⏱️ Kidneys And Nephrons - 04:36 ⏱️ Weight Gain - 04:58 ⏱️ Stress - 05:23 ⏱️ Sexual Health - 05:49 🎵 Music: ✍️ Summary: Understanding how much sugar is excessive for us. Though sugar has a bad reputation, it gives us energy and is vital to our survival. Sugars in fruits and vegetables are natural sugars we don't have to worry as much about because these foods also have fiber and calcium. Most of us consume excessive amounts of added sugar, which is frequently present in processed meals. Now let's delve into the dangers of consuming sugar. No matter what you call it, sugar is always sugar. Consuming too much sugar can have adverse effects on your health. Its effects on the brain When you eat sugar, your brain makes a lot of dopamine, which makes you feel good. That's why, at 3 p.m., you might want a candy bar more than a radish or a carrot. A "sweet tooth" can cause tooth decay. When you were 12 years old, your parents likely made you roll your eyes, but they were correct: confectionery treats can cause tooth decay. The development of cavities is from bacteria that feed on sugar left in the mouth. Your joints will suffer too. Another reason not to eat candy if you have joint pain: eating a lot of sweets makes joint pain worse because they cause inflammation in the body. The more sugar you consume, the more your body ages. When you have too much sugar in your blood, it binds to proteins and makes harmful molecules called "AGEs," which stands for "advanced glycation end products." Your liver will feel the effects of sugar. Fructose or high fructose corn syrup is likely in foods with a lot of added sugar. The liver breaks down fructose, and too much of it can hurt the liver, leading to Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a condition in which the liver has too much fat. Sugar can break your heart. Well, not literally, but when you eat or drink too much sugar, the extra insulin in your blood can affect your arteries all over your body. Looking at the kidneys and nephrons. Having too much sugar can hurt your kidneys. The kidneys are vital in keeping your blood clean. Weight gain from sugar. You probably already know that the more sugar you eat, the more weight you'll gain. People who drink sugary drinks tend to be heavier and have a higher chance of getting type 2 diabetes than those who don't. For more information, please watch the video until the very end. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to Bestie : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: Instagram:

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