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Oil Paintings
Handmade Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Painting Analysis
Painting Timelapse
John Collier
Lady Godiva
Peeping Tom
Coventry England
Roger of Wentover
Earl of Mercia
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LADY GODIVA by John Collier, 1898, Oil on canvas, 56 in X 72 in, (142.2 × 183 cm). THIS PAINTING IS AVAILABLE TO PURCHASE as a handmade oil painting reproduction here: Once upon a time in the city of Coventry lived an oppressive lord, the Earl of Mercia, who imposed grinding taxes on his people. His wife, tried interceding on the people’s behalf. Her husband dared her, saying he would relent, if she rode nude on horseback through the city. To his surprise, she met his challenge… and so goes the apocryphal story of Lady Godiva. The story is one of those perennial subjects for artists and illustrators, but none has done greater justice to the legend than English artist, John Collier. His painting “Lady Godiva” is the quintessential take on the story. The painting is masterfully rendered by Collier in the style of the Pre-Raphaelites, striking a delicate balance between feeding the viewer’s prurient interests while maintaining the lady’s chastity. The painting is soft, and atmospheric. Lady Godiva is seen in profile, her hair and hands placed strategically to cover her lithe body. The horse she rides is stately steed. The buildings of the town are rendered in monochromatic tones of grays and browns, further heightening the beautiful flesh tones of the figure. There was, in fact, a real Lady Godiva. However, the story isn’t as titillating as the myth. Truth be told, both Lady Godiva and her husband, Leofric were extremely generous to their people, even founding a Benedictine monastery in Coventry. And, no, the ride never took place. The legend actually was an invention of a 13th century monk named Roger of Wentover, an historian of English history who also possessed a lively imagination. The story was later embellished with the addition of the character known as “Peeping Tom.” Again, referring to the tale, in deference to the lady, the towns folk cleared the streets and closed their shutters. That is, except for a prying tailor named Thomas who thought he would get a eyeful, and immediately went blind, or his eyes fell out of head, or was struck dead depending on you favorite version of the story. However, as far we know, nobody has yet been struck blind, casting an eye on Collier’s magnificent painting. #ladygodvina #johncollier #ladygodvinapainting #collierartwork

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