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The Jubilees Manuscript REVEALS The HORRIFYING Secrets Of GENESIS The Book of Jubilees, also known as "Little Genesis," holds significance for certain churches in Ethiopia. Comprising 50 chapters, it contains ancient stories that connect people to their religious heritage. Written in the ancient Ge'ez language, this book is a valuable link to the past. Despite the risk of being forgotten due to the shortage of copies, its teachings on living and faith remain relevant to those interested in Christian history. Join us as we delve into this holy ancient text, exploring its traditions and teachings that have shaped faith for generations before its completely forgotten. The Book of Jubilees, which some people call "Little Genesis" or even the fancier name "2nd Genesis," spreads out over 50 chapters filled with old stories and teachings that come from Jewish traditions. These stories are especially important to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the Beta Israel Jewish community. For these groups, this book isn't just any book; it's known as the "Book of Divisions" and is deeply woven into the ancient practices of the Ethiopian church. It's written in Ge'ez, an old language that ties it to other significant language families. This book shares tales of common ancestors with the descendants of Shem and Ham, making connections between the past and the present. This old document isn't just a forgotten slice of history collecting dust; think of it as a beacon of light for those deeply involved in studying the beginnings of Christianity. It has captured the interest of numerous notable scholars throughout history, such as Epiphanius, Justin Martyr, Origen, Theodorus of Tarsus, and many more. These scholars have left a significant mark on history, and their interaction with the Book of Jubilees highlights its broad influence in molding the early thoughts and conversations about Christianity.

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