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Descargar "J.S. Bach, The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I, Fugue No 11 in F Major, BWV 856"

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Johann Sebastian Bach (Composer)
Classical Music (Musical Genre)
Fugue (Composition Type)
Kimiko Douglass-Ishizaka (Musical Artist)
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Download the entire Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Pianist Kimiko Ishizaka has received extensive critical praise for her 2015 recording of J.S. Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1. * "she is a beautiful and technically accomplished player" * "The A-major fugue, fast and exciting, is one of the best performances here" * "the light hand in interpretation makes this performance preferable to Hewitt (the later recording on Hyperion) or Schiff (ECM, Jan/Feb 2013)" - American Record Guide, July-August 2015 * "elegant, spirited, technically impressive, and ever sensitive to the expressive character of the music" * "Ishizaka subtly employs various shadings of dynamics, uses a fair amount of legato, and phrases the music with a keen sense for Bach's expressive soul." * "A brilliant performance and brilliant set all around!" - Robert Cummings, * "Ishizaka plays the 24 preludes and fugues with impeccable taste and technique, finding many levels of musical meaning even as she brings utmost clarity to the multiplicity of textures." * "She scales her Bach to the rhythmic, structural and sonic needs of the music, without touching the sustaining pedal." * "Her articulation runs the sensitive gamut from cushioned to bitingly crisp." * "Each line has a transparent place in the scheme of unfolding things, and the pianist seems to take enormous pleasure in weaving together all of the miraculous strands." - Donald Rosenberg, Gramophone Magazine * "This is a recording to change your perception of the Well Tempered Klavier." - Campbell Vertesi, The Cast, March 20, 2015 * "A gifted and obviously devoted Bachian" * "Ms. Ishizaka kept things moving nicely and raised the energy level after intermission, occasionally rising to a touch of virtuosic flair, as in the A major Fugue, which she ended with a private little smile." - James Oestreich, New York Times "she also has a very poetic touch, and seems to have a wide variety of colours at her finger tips" - Robert Hugill * "in all the years, all the versions, I have never heard "Book 1" done better than on the new recording by pianist Kimiko Ishizaka (Navona 5993, 2-CDs)" * "The results are fabulous. There is a great grace to what she gives us, a marvelous clarity, a sense of totality that is a very real joy to hear. She takes Bach at his word, that each part is important in the ultimate contrapuntal result. You hear Bach with new ears." * "There have been other beautiful versions of "Book 1." This is up there with the very best. At the moment it is most certainly my favorite. Bravo, Kimiko Ishizaka! Onwards to "Book 2"! - Gapplegate Classical-Modern Music Review, February 26, 2015 This performance is by Kimiko Ishizaka, piano. The score is Kyle Rother's Lillypond engraving:

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