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Descargar "Acres of Diamonds (1915) by Russell H. Conwell"

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Summary: "Acres of Diamonds" is a personal development book written by Russell H. Conwell, first published in 1890. The book is based on a lecture that Conwell gave over 6,000 times to audiences around the world, and it has since become a classic of the personal development genre. The central theme of the book is the idea that we are all capable of achieving great wealth and success, and that the key to doing so is to focus on what we already have and to make the most of our own talents and resources. Conwell argues that the key to achieving success is not to search for it in external circumstances, but rather to cultivate it within ourselves. Throughout the book, Conwell shares stories and examples of individuals who have achieved great success by focusing on what they already have and making the most of their own abilities. He encourages readers to do the same, and to take advantage of the opportunities that already exist in their own lives. Credits: Text - Russell H. Conwell Audio Narration - Randy Scott ============================= ★Please support this channel by checking out Gaia: What is Gaia? What kind of movies does Gaia have? What kind of TV shows does Gaia have? ============================= ★Get the Paperback using the following affiliate link. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases: ============================= This YouTube book is copyright ©2021 Master Key Society General Disclaimer: This recording is a production of Master Key Society for the purpose of research and study. The views and opinions expressed in this book belong to the author and may not necessarily reflect those of Master Key Society, nor its affiliates. About Master Key Society: Our educational channel offers rare and often previously unseen books in an easily accessible format. Each book is accompanied by an overview in the description, original narration, and detailed photographs of each page. Our library is intended for academic study and research of metaphysical philosophy, as well as for those seeking wisdom, personal transformation, and self-improvement. We welcome your participation through subscribing and sharing your thoughts in the comments section. Recognized by the YouTube community for bringing audio/visual accessibility to these important literary works, Master Key Society is proud to be a supporter of the Philosophical Research Society and a supporting member of The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) and The International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP).

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