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💡Europe tensed: French EDF nuclear plants on the verge of Collapse. Geoenergy Info France's nuclear power industry has failed to live up to the expectations of the EU. The French energy giant EDF is facing new technical problems in its network of nuclear power plants. On March 8, the French media reported the discovery of a dangerous crack in the cooling system of one of the two reactors of the EDF-controlled nuclear power plant in Penli (Seine-Maritime department). The French Agency for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (ASN) demanded that EDF review the entire strategy for the control of nuclear power plants. The significant erosion was discovered at a time when EDF hoped that it had managed to get out of the "crisis situation" with the shutdown of 16 of the existing 56 nuclear power plants. A shutdown for a detailed inspection and repair of the EDF reactor fleet was undertaken in October 2021 after the discovery of microcracks. 10 of them are under construction or planned for 2023. Given the new data, the French Agency for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (ASN) demanded that EDF review the entire strategy for the control of nuclear power plants. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Our telegram: Become a sponsor of the SPONSOR.RU channel ► Support the channel: Sberbank - 4274 3200 6731 4487 Maxim R. Tinkoff - 4377 7237 6815 3060 Maxim R. VTB - 2200 2407 5683 3253 Maxim R. (donate service) Please DO NOT indicate anything in the comments and assignment of the translation! -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- VK ► YANDEX.ZEN ► Geoenergetics website -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Advertising, collaboration: [email protected] Be sure to subscribe to the channel, put all notifications, put likes and write comments! You help promote the channel! energy #edf #gas #nuclear

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