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These children dance all heartedly as if their lives depend on it. Saying this most of these kids this is all they have, most of them they are actually not guarantee one meal. Seeing them dancing one will never know. The train 4hrs per day to get this good. Its my dream to see them again soon. Xhosa and Zulu dance: Celebrating South African Culture through Movement South Africa is a melting pot of diverse cultures and traditions, and one of the most vibrant ways to experience this is through the country's traditional dances. Two of the most well-known and iconic dances from South Africa are Xhosa and Zulu dance. Both dances are deeply rooted in the culture and history of their respective communities, and are a powerful way to celebrate and express their identity. Xhosa dance is a traditional dance from the Xhosa people, who are one of the largest ethnic groups in South Africa. The dance is typically performed to celebrate important cultural events such as weddings, initiations, and harvest festivals. Xhosa dance is characterised by its lively, energetic movement and is often performed in groups. The dancers wear traditional clothing and use various types of musical instruments such as drums, whistles, and stringed instruments to accompany the dance. The dance also often involve facial expressions, hand gestures and footwork, which creates a sense of storytelling and carries messages to the audience. Zulu dance, on the other hand, is a traditional dance from the Zulu people, who are another of the major ethnic groups in South Africa. It is performed to celebrate various cultural events and occasions, such as weddings, initiations, and religious ceremonies. Zulu dance is characterised by its powerful, energetic movements and is often performed by large groups of dancers. The dancers typically wear traditional clothing, such as animal skins and headdresses, and use various types of musical instruments to accompany the dance, such as drums, whistles, and shields. One of the most iconic elements of Zulu dance is the use of shields, which are used to create rhythms and beats, and also symbolize the protection of the Zulu people. Zulu dance also incorporates elements of storytelling, expressing messages through hand gestures, facial expressions, and footwork. While Xhosa and Zulu dance may have some specific features and details that make them distinct, they are both part of the larger South African dance tradition. Both dances are an important and powerful way for their respective communities to express their culture, history, and identity. They offer a window into the rich cultural heritage of South Africa and provide a fascinating glimpse into the lives of the people who perform them. Whether you are a traveler or a local, experiencing Xhosa and Zulu dance is a must-do when in South Africa. @SamupertyZuluTV @XhosanostraTV @1MILLIONDanceStudioofficial @SouthAfricanHipHopInsights @stormzy

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