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Download "Desintoxica y Limpia tu HÍGADO comiendo, ENSALADA DE LENTEJAS, Baja Colesterol y Controla Azúcar."

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#diabetes #saludable #cocina #recetasfaciles #cooking #vegan #detox Bienvenidos a un nuevo video, los ingredientes de esta ensalada de lentejas son la combinación perfecta para hacer una limpieza del hígado y ayudarlo a funcionar mejor. Nuestro hígado cumple con varias funciones además de ayudar a eliminar las toxinas del cuerpo, es un apoyo importante en nuestro sistema inmunológico y también del sistema digestivo. De ahí la importancia de ayudarlo a estar activo y sano para trabajar bien. INGREDIENTES 250 grs o una taza de lentejas de tu preferencia 1 florete de brócoli 1/2 pepino o 1 pza completa 2 tomates 5 rabanos 2 manojos de espinacas 2 tazas de mix de lechugas u hojas verdes ADEREZO 1 limón grande 1 cda de vinagre de manzana sal y pimienta c/n 1/4 cdita de cúrcuma 1 diente de ajo 120 ml de aceite de oliva Chorrito de miel * opcional _______________________________________________________________ FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: PINTEREST: Me encantaría me regalen un LIKE, que compartan el video y si tienen comentarios, adelante; siempre les leo y contesto. Si la preparas y quieres compartirme la FOTO, aquí arriba les dejo mis redes sociales, me encantará comentarla :) Gracias por visitar mi canal, si los contenidos fueron de utilidad y de tu agrado; te invito a suscribirte y puedes activar la campana para recibir los avisos de nuevos videos cada semana. Los comentarios son monitoreados constantemente para mantener un ambiente positivo. Los considerados negativos, ofensivos, dañinos y con el único propósito de molestar serán eliminados *LAS RECETAS SON UNA GUÍA NUTRICIONAL, RECUERDA SIEMPRE CONSULTAR CON UN ESPECIALISTA DE LA SALUD Saludos para todos Addy

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* — If the video is playing in a new tab, go to it, then right-click on the video and select "Save video as..."
** — Link intended for online playback in specialized players

Questions about downloading video

mobile menu iconHow can I download "Desintoxica y Limpia tu HÍGADO comiendo, ENSALADA DE LENTEJAS, Baja Colesterol y Controla Azúcar." video?mobile menu icon

  • website is the best way to download a video or a separate audio track if you want to do without installing programs and extensions.

  • The UDL Helper extension is a convenient button that is seamlessly integrated into YouTube, Instagram and sites for fast content download.

  • UDL Client program (for Windows) is the most powerful solution that supports more than 900 websites, social networks and video hosting sites, as well as any video quality that is available in the source.

  • UDL Lite is a really convenient way to access a website from your mobile device. With its help, you can easily download videos directly to your smartphone.

mobile menu iconWhich format of "Desintoxica y Limpia tu HÍGADO comiendo, ENSALADA DE LENTEJAS, Baja Colesterol y Controla Azúcar." video should I choose?mobile menu icon

  • The best quality formats are FullHD (1080p), 2K (1440p), 4K (2160p) and 8K (4320p). The higher the resolution of your screen, the higher the video quality should be. However, there are other factors to consider: download speed, amount of free space, and device performance during playback.

mobile menu iconWhy does my computer freeze when loading a "Desintoxica y Limpia tu HÍGADO comiendo, ENSALADA DE LENTEJAS, Baja Colesterol y Controla Azúcar." video?mobile menu icon

  • The browser/computer should not freeze completely! If this happens, please report it with a link to the video. Sometimes videos cannot be downloaded directly in a suitable format, so we have added the ability to convert the file to the desired format. In some cases, this process may actively use computer resources.

mobile menu iconHow can I download "Desintoxica y Limpia tu HÍGADO comiendo, ENSALADA DE LENTEJAS, Baja Colesterol y Controla Azúcar." video to my phone?mobile menu icon

  • You can download a video to your smartphone using the website or the PWA application UDL Lite. It is also possible to send a download link via QR code using the UDL Helper extension.

mobile menu iconHow can I download an audio track (music) to MP3 "Desintoxica y Limpia tu HÍGADO comiendo, ENSALADA DE LENTEJAS, Baja Colesterol y Controla Azúcar."?mobile menu icon

  • The most convenient way is to use the UDL Client program, which supports converting video to MP3 format. In some cases, MP3 can also be downloaded through the UDL Helper extension.

mobile menu iconHow can I save a frame from a video "Desintoxica y Limpia tu HÍGADO comiendo, ENSALADA DE LENTEJAS, Baja Colesterol y Controla Azúcar."?mobile menu icon

  • This feature is available in the UDL Helper extension. Make sure that "Show the video snapshot button" is checked in the settings. A camera icon should appear in the lower right corner of the player to the left of the "Settings" icon. When you click on it, the current frame from the video will be saved to your computer in JPEG format.

mobile menu iconWhat's the price of all this stuff?mobile menu icon

  • It costs nothing. Our services are absolutely free for all users. There are no PRO subscriptions, no restrictions on the number or maximum length of downloaded videos.