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Table of contents

Table of contents

It Starts
Overview of Power Apps Template apps
Start from a Blank App or from data like Dataverse, SharePoint, Excel, or SQL
Quick look at the SharePoint list we are going to use to build the app
Create a PowerApp from SharePoint list by connecting to SharePoint
Give your app a name and save it.
Preview the app by using the play button
Mobile PowerApps vs. Tablet or desktops apps
View and edit your SharePoint items with the app
Create a new SharePoint record by using Power Apps
Editing the app in PowerApps Studio by introducing the Gallery control
Write your first formula using the Text function to format the number as currency like Excel
Save and Publish your app
Share your app with a coworker and overview how PowerApps security works including co-owner and data permissions
Ideas to explore the app more as part of your intro to powerapps
Video tags

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canvas app
intro to powerapps
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microsoft 365
microsoft power platform
microsoft powerapps tutorial
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  • ruRussian
in today's show we're going to learn how to make  your first power apps app using some sharepoint  
data right no frills no fuss we're just going to  dive in there we're going to connect up to our  
data build an app save and publish it out with  people so everyone can see your glory and then  
we're going to talk about some tools and tips that  you can use to continue your powerapps learning  
journey so if that sounds fun to you let's switch  over to my desktop and take a look oh yeah one  
more thing if you go to start  there you'll see a write-up of kind of things  
we talk about in this video with some links to  other getting started resources and just things i  
thought would be handy for you guys to have so go  check that out all right back to where i was going
all right so to get started here i went  into a browser on my machine and i went to  
00:00:46 going to  will get you to the right place right because  
if you're in europe your url is a little bit  different if you're in a government cloud your  
url might be a little bit different etc right  there's a lot of different ways you can end up  
with a different url so gets  us all to this screen and it also might be in your  
language which is kind of cool now when i got here  i had to sign in and i just used my office 365  
account if you do not have an office 365 account  then you can create an account they'll sign you up  
automatically for community plan but most you're  probably here because you realize you have power  
apps as part of one of your entitlements in office  365. the best way to get started i think is you  
go down here to create and so to build your  app there's really three ways you can do it  
right the first one down here is start from a  template the template apps will create an app  
for you that's already pre-built pre-configured  and does some things these apps give you ideas  
of where to get started but one of the things i'll  caution you as you get into this platform is don't  
ever try to use these templates use the template  to get inspired get ideas look at how things work  
but don't actually try to edit these templates  and make them part of your production it just  
it never ends well as for customers all right so  if we scroll up here so then start from and so  
basically you have start from data which is either  dataverse sharepoint excel or sql so these are  
all tabular data sources that you can start from  and so that's what we're going to use or you can  
start from blank app and that is literally just a  blank white screen that you have to do everything  
which is where you're going to get right 99 of  the apps in the world that are used are built  
from a blank app but to start for your first app  which we're doing today we're going to start with  
some data and we're going to use sharepoint okay  i think sharepoint is the data source you have the  
most familiarity with and i'd say 80 of the power  apps in the world are built on top of sharepoint  
now you might be thinking Shane wouldn't excel  will be better to start with maybe but what  
you'll find out is that while excel is great for  that very first app just for you to learn maybe  
excel is not a good data source for the long term  so if you want to build an app to work with you  
and your co-workers so i don't like to steer you  down the excel road from the beginning i want you  
to start with sharepoint so speaking of sharepoint  if we look over here i have a sharepoint list that  
i've previously created i called my employees  list probably a hundred of the 200 plus videos  
i've made at this point are using this sharepoint  list so it's pretty common for my audience to see  
um but you know it's just got kind of some  simple demographic data and if we click on  
list settings over here just in case you're  wondering exactly there you can just grab a  
screenshot of that and if you want to know  exactly what each column type is we're not  
going to worry about that today though  okay so there's our sharepoint list now  
while i'm here i know this is the sharepoint  list i want to make a Power Apps app from  
i'm going to copy this url because when we go  back over here we're going to choose sharepoint  
and so then this is going to walk us through the  process of it automatically creating an app from  
that particular sharepoint list so after a few  seconds the screen loaded now you see i have a lot  
of connections over here if this is literally your  first time you will not and so you will probably  
have to say create a new connection to sharepoint  so but there's nothing to it you just literally  
say create a connection to sharepoint put in  your username or not even put in your account  
just say it can use your account and it'll set  it up for you so there's nothing to that process  
so now what do we want to connect to and so i'm  not going to um worry about that though right  
i'm not really interested in that because i'd have  to find it that's too hard remember we just copied  
that url just paste that up here it's going to be  like nothing found but if you say go power apps  
has gotten pretty smart and powerapps figured out  that i really meant the sites slash pa and so then  
here all the lists and if we remember the list was  called employees so if we scroll down long enough  
we will see that there is the employees list so  click employees and then underneath my face here  
we're going to say connect now as part of the  connection process it is going to create us an  
app and it takes about 10 seconds maybe 15 if it's  having a slow day but this is going to create us a  
fully functional Power Apps app look at that it's  called employees there are my different employees  
and so the very very first thing i  want you all to do right now slow down  
is they go subscribe to my channel no well i mean  i do want you to do that but that's not what i'm  
at but what i really want you to do right now  is i want you to click on file over here and  
then give this a name right my first app give it  some type of name i don't care what you name it  
and then under my face again click on the save in  that bottom right corner okay what this is going  
to do is this is going to save our power app and  now auto save is going to run every two minutes so  
you can never lose any of your data right because  power apps doesn't have like a third-party tool  
like a like a tool you install on your machine you  do everything in the browser to build this and so  
if your browser session was accidentally get reset  you could lose data so that's why you want to save  
because once you've done the first save auto save  will run every two minutes all right so now we can  
hit back so now what we want to do is i want to  check out the app so up here in the top right hand  
corner there's a little play button right remember  my first vcr if you're old enough no vcr is  
and so here you've got the app now you notice  it's tall and skinny so not all powerapps are  
tall and skinny this one happens to use a mobile  phone factor right you know you've all heard this  
mobile phone right tall and skinny well that's  what this is and that's one of the neat things  
about powerapps is you can build them either to  be a phone first app so tall and skinny like this  
it works my browser just fine or you can build  a more of a classic desktop or tablet app where  
it's you know big wide you know big app and uses  all your browser real estate so don't get caught  
up on the sizing here but the idea here was they  built you a mobile-friendly app with the automatic  
process so here you can see all the different  people from the employees list right down here  
there's me more importantly there's chewie if you  watch the videos you're going to see that there's  
a lot of chewy love in these so chewy is very  popular with my viewers anyway if we go click  
on chewie's record so we'll just click on the  arrow this then takes us to another screen where  
we can see some additional details about chewie so  more of his face but more about you know different  
properties like is he good at his job what's his  favorite color and if we say edit maybe chewie's  
favorite color is no longer blue maybe it's now  hit the drop down it's now purple we'll say purple  
and then we'll use this little check mark  check mark at the top to submit the item  
and just that fast if we go to sharepoint and  refresh my browser and we look at chewie look  
at that his favorite color is now purple  so within seconds we have a power app  
that is working with our data for us right so it's  working interacting with the sharepoint list if we  
go back over here so we can see there's a delete  button so if we wanted to delete chewy that'd be  
very sad but we could delete chewy we go back over  here there's also this plus which would walk us  
through a wizard and say hey you know create a new  one right so a new person i'm gonna call them bob  
build man right i don't know i just made up  something fill out blue department uh construction  
and you know just like that we entered  some data we hit the check mark and as  
you can probably guess if we go over here and  refresh our data and then scroll to the bottom  
there is our new person right so just like  that power apps is done and built as an app  
we didn't write a single line code we even look  at a single line of code now what we can do is we  
can come in here and be like all right well oh  i do not want this whole pop-up wizard go away  
but we can go in here and we can you know start  to mess with the app so with this selected you're  
going to notice this is called a browse gallery  that's one of the controls and power apps remember  
i talked about this whole idea of it's kind of  like powerpoint you just kind of drag things in  
so there's a gallery galleries show you lists of  data perfect and so then now if we go over here to  
the layout we can change the layout so maybe you  don't have pictures you want to change this to  
just be text change the layout to title subtitle  and body boom good what are your pictures so  
let's keep those you can also change what fields  show up so if we click on the fields and say edit  
maybe i want that top one to be their first  name so we go right here first name and then  
that second field instead of being the id i don't  need the sharepoint id maybe we want to know what  
department they're from just like that and then  the face is the face that's the only image column  
i have so i'm not going to change that and then  for the body we want to show their hourly wage  
boom look at that now we're showing different  columns of data perfect but if you look you might  
notice hourly wage doesn't look like wage right  ferguson's missing a zero and i want a number sign  
right no big deal click on this so this  item.houry wage when you edit a gallery  
you just edit this top row and you're in business  but so i can come up here and i'm just going to  
apply a function called text which is very  similar to excel so we're going to say text  
and then what we want to do we want to use this  format which is exactly excel's syntax for this  
and just like that you notice that ferguson  got his trailing zero everyone got their dollar  
sign and boom you've formatted this right you've  written your first formula be the right word right  
but we used a function the text function to  transform that number into a formatted number  
also good news if you're looking at this from  a different country right you guys don't use  
dollar signs you use the euro symbol or the pound  symbol or the end symbol whatever it is you use  
um you know power apps has language specific  stuff so we're not gonna get into that today  
but powerapps is going to you know adapt  pretty well to you in your different regions  
all right so maybe we're really happy right this  is this is everything i ever wanted shane great  
now what i can do is go over here file and we  can save this thing so that will save our changes  
auto save would have got them eventually but  we're just going to save them now and then you  
can publish so with powerapps you have you know  whatever the published version that's what your  
users are going to use and then the um but you can  then keep editing that and saving your changes but  
until you publish it they won't see your updates  so now we'll say publish hey i want to publish  
this thing great idea and after a moment it has  been published and so then now we can go back  
over here and say file and it's like hey do you  want to share that i do so we'll click on share  
which opens up a new browser tab and so here i  could share it with you know uh people directly  
so i'm just gonna share it with chewie right  doesn't your dog have his own account also  
so we'll save it directly with chewie we  could also save it with a microsoft group  
or with everyone in the company all at once we  can also choose does chewie need to be the owner  
or not so chewy in this case we do not want him  editing the app we just want him to use it so  
we will not select co-owner and then the data  permissions here this is just saying hey when  
chewie opens this app it's going to interact with  sharepoint as chewy so make sure sharepoint has  
allows chewie to do his thing we'll also  send him an email invitation and hit share  
and in just moments from now chewie will get an  email where he'll be able to click on the email  
and open up the app and he can interact with  our sharepoint data on his mobile phone from our  
cute little app we've built so that just like  that we have built ourselves a productive app  
now if you get over here what you'd want to  do next is start to explore this app more  
so start to figure out like hey when i click  on this arrow button how does that work  
or you know how do i make this show not  only steven but maybe i want to show  
steven and his last name right so that's  a formula like this and so dot last name  
and boom we've got that right so understanding  all of that is important and that's kind of your  
next step now we don't have time to do all  that in today's video but if you go over to  
00:12:23 right which is right  here and then you click on power apps and power  
automate on demand you're going to see that i  have a whole free class here that teaches you  
how to build your first app like we just did  but it goes into all the details of starting  
to make those customizations it also talks  to you about power automate flows it talks  
to you about power bi so a lot of learning  opportunities in this free course available here  
or if you don't want the structured learning  of this you just want to kind of go piecemeal  
then keep in mind that you have other options  available for that probably the most likely  
one of those is to stay here on youtube and start  to type in things like if you want to understand  
how does this gallery work then just search  for powerapps gallery and you'll get a thousand  
different videos that'll explain you how galleries  work or maybe you were more interested in this  
other screen like we went over here maybe you want  to start to modify this well this is called a form  
right it's a forum control so you could search  for powerapps forms and find that and then you  
know the key to getting started from this point  forward is just to build an app start building  
start playing start tinkering there's no code  there's no hidden stuff it's just a bunch of these  
little controls pulled together with a bunch of  functions and that's what you need to go and learn  
so that's it for today hopefully you've enjoyed  this hopefully this gets your mind going if you  
have any questions any comments leave them below  you know i've got also at the end this video has  
been linked off to the playlist i've got about  200 videos on all these Power Platform topics  
just the first version of this one was four  years old so i thought we'd kind of start over  
today with a simpler one yeah and i guess with  that i'm gonna say thanks and have a great day
hey me again before you go  click on the subscribe button  
right join the list of hundred thousand  plus people that subscribed already  
or if you need any help right check us out at  powerapps911 we do big projects little projects  
we do training we do everything and we can  help you or if you want to see more videos  
you probably do then just click on the power apps  playlist above cool thanks and have a great day


Are you looking for a PowerApps tutorial for beginners? Then you have found the video you need. In this introduction video you will learn about the options for building your first Microsoft Power Apps app including templates and start from data, then you will build your first app from a SharePoint list. Along the way you will make a few customizations to your gallery and then save, publish, and share your first PowerApps Canvas app. After building your first PowerApps app you will then get some guidance on resources to keep learning, including the free Power Apps training course at Remember if video isn't your thing, then you can go to to get a text overview of this video and links to more resources. This PowerApps tutorial video is all new for 2022 to make sure you are working from the latest and greatest Power Apps Canvas app possible using your Microsoft 365 entitlements aka the Office 365 license. 0:00 It Starts 0:26 Start at 1:08 Overview of Power Apps Template apps 1:44 Start from a Blank App or from data like Dataverse, SharePoint, Excel, or SQL 2:32 Quick look at the SharePoint list we are going to use to build the app 3:13 Create a PowerApp from SharePoint list by connecting to SharePoint 4:20 Give your app a name and save it. 5:18 Preview the app by using the play button 5:36 Mobile PowerApps vs. Tablet or desktops apps 6:04 View and edit your SharePoint items with the app 7:08 Create a new SharePoint record by using Power Apps 7:45 Editing the app in PowerApps Studio by introducing the Gallery control 8:54 Write your first formula using the Text function to format the number as currency like Excel 9:58 Save and Publish your app 10:32 Share your app with a coworker and overview how PowerApps security works including co-owner and data permissions 11:36 Ideas to explore the app more as part of your intro to powerapps Free Power Apps Training class from PowerApps911 and Microsoft MVP Shane Young Power Apps Consulting and training at Next video to watch? PowerApps Forms - Introduction to data sources, data cards, and layout

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