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good afternoon, my dears, you are on the channel of SVETLANA LOSEVA and this is a channel about knitting, I agree with your
many comments that the abundance of knitted patterns on the channel dazzles your eyes
and you want to knit everything and everything is so beautiful and all this girls you can really knit
if you will follow the instructions that I will now try to tell you how
I do it, in
principle, I developed knitting technology, of course, I didn’t come up with the calculation of density, of course,
not me . how exactly do I draw up instructions before
starting to knit in any product, so today I will tell you how any finished model
that you saw in the picture does not necessarily hunt for a description of optional searches
in order to knit any model that you like that you met in on the Internet
or in a magazine, it is enough to have a pattern and a diagram, and everything else e you can do it
yourself dear needlewomen I am very glad that you came to my channel if you are on my
channel for the first time please do not forget to subscribe to my channel many interesting
knitting and crochet master classes and you will learn even more about the new products of my channel do
n’t forget to like the video immediately, it’s a raised finger, your likes increase the rating of the video and
these are not empty words, and besides, this is how your daddy likes your video by never
lose it again, you can do it yourself using the example today one we will analyze the models
how to do it, of course, the compilation of knitting instructions begins with
what came to your mind the idea I want to knit, let's say a jumper jumper, now we have summer
on the court by the summer to knit a jumper with short sleeves on of course you have to choose yourself
model, that is, you must figuratively imagine which one you want what color you want and what pattern is there
with rum bami with vertical openwork stripes or with a dense pattern, that is, or with some kind of mesh
, that is, the choice here, of course, in words, and now you saw a model that meets
all your requirements, you want to knit it, choose a color for you, maybe you like
everything like for this model, the test color matched and the pattern you like everything in them ready to knit and
so you have to choose a yarn yes, that is, so that it fits structurally according to the model, that
is, it was not too thin and not too thick and, accordingly, by choice you need
decide on the oven knitting hook what number, that is, this point 2 is in our instructions, then
you need to make a pattern girls pattern happens often if it is a magazine model it is
ready but there is no fear you should not make this pattern yourself if
you want a classic model to tie, that is, you must have a full-fledged sleeve with a sunset
, yes, that is, you must have an armhole, it is being knitted now for a very hour then it knits a lowered sleeve, so
here it’s also up to you if this is a finished model, then of course you want to repeat, let’s say
one to one, what you see in the picture in front of you, yes, then you use the same pattern
that fits your chosen model up to 4 4 moment 4 point of our instructions, you need to link
a sample of the pattern, but here, of course, is it necessary to describe the pattern or the scheme? I usually use
schemes very rarely
. be sure to do what we do wet heat treatment for, you know
that any dirty knitwear stretches after washing, yes, that is, it goes through
such a moment of adaptation, that is, the frequency that we tied after washing is stretched
becomes a completely different size, not the one we need, for this we need correctly apply
knitting technology, that is, it is necessary to calculate to produce density, yes, for this we do
wet-heat treatment of the sample in order to calculate the density with hot steam, we create our
holiday and pull its girls energetically in different directions vertically and horizontally, we pull it so that
the artificial one, let’s say, is washed like this, we have a very pliable one like this one more time
we pull the edges it’s better to steam off the edge too, we will also participate in the calculations
straighten it completely and let it dry in this form straightened point number six
we do the density calculation as follows I will now show you the formula for this calculation
we have such a formula I am amounted, look, it means when we count the density
horizontally, that is, in width, we divide with you the number of loops of the sample by the width of this
sample in centimeters and we get the density, you see pg horizontally, we count and writing down
all and how many loops are obtained in one centimeter, that is this density gives us this
knowledge of how much you can fit in one centimeter there are loops vertically, we divide the number of rows
by the length of centimeters of the sample and we get the pvr vertical density and this
density gives us how many rows fit in one centimeter here is such a shape let's measure the
width and height of our sample with you measure the width 18 and a half of me it turns out the width we dialed
with you 39 loops 39 divided by 18 and a half centimeters it will be two point one tenth
, we write in one centimeter
two point one tenth loop is placed further vertically, let's also measure the height
of the sample 14 centimeters 14 centimeters, we have me connected in sample 2 rapports
of 16 rows, that is, two reports of 16 32 rows and divide by 14 centimeters we will have the number 2
point 28 but two point three tenths we will write that in one centimeter two point three tenths
fit vertically now with the help of these numbers with you let's take a pattern and make calculations for
different sizes after you have learned these two very valuable numbers that we are given in the
future you need to make up loops for calculating the product and now, using an example, I will
show you how to do this, I have a pattern and density, and so girls, I have compiled such instructions for
calculating products here I will tell you here I printed out the formula for calculating the width of the calculation
of the length of the product calculation a bevel along the neckline along the sleeves and we also have a calculation of the shoulder bevel
there is a little different and the calculation of uniform increases and decreases that I will post this instruction
under the video for your understanding of the best, so to speak, you will familiarize yourself with it here quite
simply I paint see the calculation width to the product, that is, we
multiply the width in centimeters by the horizontal density, we get the number of loops to calculate the length, that is, we
multiply the length in centimeters of the product by the vertical density, we get the number of rows, understand
the product itself, the bevel calculation here specifically, I will consider this form is suitable
for neckline or sleeves neckline mean you shaped here you are honeycomb bevel we have it
is divided by the number of loops that need to be reduced add yes and we get the interval interval ps
at equal intervals for which 1 calculation of the bevel is done to determine the equal distance between
increases and decreases but often in the description they write evenly add evenly subtract so keep
in mind and the shoulder bevel calculation is slightly different here, the height of the bevel in the rows is divided by the number of
decreases in pieces yes, that is, suppose we need to make 33 decreases in the shoulder until we usually make
a bevel to form and we get the number of loops in each in each decrease until we assume
we have a shoulder of 2 there let's take 18 loops and yes, we need to make three in every second row, usually
decreases are made and we need to do three in three stages of decrease, yes, that is, we divide 18 by 3 and get
the number 6, that is, we have 6 loops we will decrease there in every second row I hope this is understandable and what
is the calculation of uniform increases and decreases often in the description they write evenly in the last purl
row suppose you need to evenly add 10 loops there to that is, what is it evenly, that is,
through an equal distance, that is, you and I must divide the total number of loops by the number of
loops that we add, subtract and get the interval, suppose we have 100 loops and we need
to add another 10 here we are one hundred divided by 10, that is, we get the number 10 to, that is, now I
will show you, using the example of calculating the product, a jumper with short sleeves for the summer, which, in general,
will give you explanations on how to apply this instruction for calculating the product in practice, and so on and
what else we return in after we make a detailed calculation of the product with you, yes, we
will draw up instructions for knitting, that is, I usually take such a description
, yes, I have here for several sizes you are for your size and naturally do, and so I write
there to type on the knitting needles and that is, the procedure for me here is looming completely yes, that is,
I’m all considered good here and how to arrange the knots ora yes, and after how many centimeters we do
some actions often we do what kind of test we close the loops of the armhole until then the neckline
forms the bevel of the shoulder often we form the sleeves at the sleeve it also determines how many loops
to dial then we knit the pattern also determine how to position it correctly symmetrically how many
reports do we fit yes we definitely do the calculation of the bevel and that's all I usually
tell you and show for each product, but you can do all this yourself if you
carefully look at my explanations today, that is, the last stage is to draw up such a
description, not necessarily it Of course, it’s a very convenient format to print on a computer, although it’s a very convenient format, and you can
write it in a notebook by hand or arrange it on some piece of paper that’s beautiful for yourself
so that it’s aesthetically pleasing to use during the knitting process so that you see the floor here
before your eyes and you never in general- then they didn’t perform some action at random, yes, that is, here you have all
the schedules but everything is shown, everything is laid out point by point, that is, you don’t need to be so dismissive of
these formalities, this informality is the key to your correct knitted product so that it
pleases you later, they sadly understand and so my good, let me tell you now, using the example of one
summer jumper, as I usually I make such a calculation, taking into account the density and outcry, here
we have such a cut out section today, we will make a pattern and description for size 44 46 and the size
will be 5052 for 1 size, we will be protected 49 centimeters of the back and front for 2
56 centimeters and, accordingly, as usual you and I will find out the number of loops on the back by
passing for this wave to the row with you about multiplying by our density that we have determined
horizontally in one centimeter two point one tenth 5 means 49 centimeters multiplied
by 2 and we get and get this number in 103, that is, we round one hundred and three loops the second size
, we have 56 centimeters, also multiply by 2 and 1 pl relativity it will be 118 rounds the loops
right away I tell you 100 19 loops it is necessary to paint its distribution of patterns we write down 119
now we determine how many whole rapports the patterns fit in this number of loops
for this we look again at the diagram we have a report of 16 loops making up yes, therefore, the total
number of loops is 103 for the first size, divided by 16, this will be 6 whole port of as you remember, we
did 5 loops for reports for symmetry, yes, here are five loops and also when knitting these 5 loops
, we will also add these 5 loops for symmetry, it turns out 6 whole rapports of 16 loops is ninety-
six loops add five more loops asymmetric 2 edge stops or loops, that is, just the same
number of letters that you and I originally wanted next we have 119 loops divided
by 16 the number of loops in the rapport getting seven whole rapports 7 multiply by 16 112 loops
2 loops + five loops and for symmetry + 2 edge loops we get 119 5 that is, you understood at home
ho It’s good that you and I will have to dial this, it seems calculated for 1 size, we will have
6 whole rapports for 2 7 whole rapports plus 5 5 for symmetry visually it will look like
this, see I always draw schematically like this 6 reports of 16 loops 1 2 3 4 5 6 here are
16 loops each imagine that this is important according to the outfit I drew this line to look on our right
1 hem on the left 1 hem and on the left side we have 5 loops for symmetry how to knit them
you saw cut out a sample and here it is in this way we get the distribution of the pattern, you will be able to
make 103 loops for the second size, the difference will be that there will be not 6 but the north of the port with all
reports of 16 5 loops also for symmetry on the left and edge on the right and left so
we have decided on this so now let's count how many loops it will be necessary for the neckline
and the armhole, the depth of the armhole, I took the average such five and a half, you can either
reduce or increase this value, usually taken either 5 or 6 centimeters ch well, we
took the average of five and a half and five and a half, and also multiply this in centimeters
by the density of 21, I get 12 loops, you can see 11 then with whom you will depend and
then the individual characteristics of your figure if you have broad shoulders it’s better for you to make bigger shoulders
, yes then you need to take 11 loops if narrow shoulders make a deeper armhole, that is, 12 loops
and look at the neckline, but on the pattern we have a size of 20 centimeters, I think that this is
a small size of normal go to a large one, see I took a centimeter more, that is,
21 centimeters, let's also determine the number of loops of 20 centimeters multiplied by the density of 2 and
1, this will be 42 loops, we need to have an odd number, take forty-three loops of the girl, because
an odd number of loops are involved in the upland row and that's right, but also for large size, I also
took 47 here, you know, the girls will knit the slats three centimeters wide and
high, that is, therefore I think that this is the wide size of the neckline that will not
bother us at all, this is very good, so that is, we determine that for the first size there are forty-three
loops for the second, forty-seven loops for the neckline, of course, you can
adjust these values ​​​​for yourself personally as you think you need then the shoulders, all that remains goes to the shoulders
according to steamos, that is, from the total number of loops 103, we subtract 2 armholes of 12 loops each, this is
24 loops and subtracts forty-three loops for the first size of the neckline, getting 36 loops divided by
2 for each shoulder, 18 loops fall on me for the second size 24 I also counted 24 loops
turned out now I would like to go to the sleeve at the same here also distribute the patterns see
here we have 2080 half the width of the sleeve I counted it turned out fifty
nine loops also with ours with our density but 4 loops in general if you think that this is how it
should be, make 59 the goal I wrote for the first size is fifty-five p etel and I get
3 whole reports fit + five loops for symmetry as usual, for the second size
I added another report 16 loops and got 71 loops four reports we get + five
loops on symmetry on the left and 2 edge loops like this and the widest part of the sleeve, I also
multiplied the density, multiplied the width by the density for the first size, I got 7 10 1
loop for the second 775 and that is, the widest part of the sleeve is now the bevel as for the bevel, I
determined that for each bevel I will need to add 8 for the first size loops and
for the third there are only three loops, and it turned out that I translated the height of the bevel, here we have, according to the cry of the
father-in-law, with a half centimeters, I translated these values ​​\u200b\u200bwith the help of our vertical plane,
and in one centimeter, two point three tenths of the row, I translated it all into rows then there, I took our
pattern value of 10 half centimeters, multiply the bevel by the density of 2 and 3 and it turned out 24 rows and
I divide these 24 rows into then the number of loops that we need to add evenly with you in the
first size is the number 8 divided by 8, that is, I will increase in every third row for the
second size, I got the situation such that 24 rows I divide 3 loops for each bevel by 3
here it turns out, on the contrary, that in every eighth row I make an increase of only three sections , an
increase of three loops, and after you knit these increases evenly, you should
get the same number of loops that I just called 71 for 1 size 77
pets and for the second size with this is clear, well, since I have already started talking about vertical
density, I would like to draw your attention girls, do not ignore vertical density
, measure any vertical size on the pattern in rows, because we have already taken into account the fact that after
wet-heat treatment, the canvas completely accepts others формы она обычно вытягивается растягивается
мы это сознательно учили заранее вот и теперь мы применяем эту плотность то ест ь смотрите вот
у меня стоит мер к 35 см от планки который мы вяжем резинкой 2 на 1 до проймой стоит значит
величина 35 сантиметров и я ее сразу перелила в ряды вот у меня стоит равно 80 рядов 35 я также
умножил на плотность по вертикали 2 и 3 у меня получилось 80 рядов видите берется четное число
всегда в рядах 80 рядов вижу и вижу закрывая петли проймы до то есть любой размер например
там какая-то величина я сейчас не буду считать по высоте также когда мы начинаем считать закрывать
петли по вырезу горловины мы тоже измеряем в рядах величину которые у нас будет дано на
выкрики в сантиметрах сами переводим с помощью плотности и как до вяжем именно рядами измеряем
ряды легко очень переводить в рапорты да смотрите рапорт 16 рядов у нас вот смотрите от платки мы
вяжем до проймы 80 рядов 80 поделить наша 20 это будет 5 целых раппортов видите какая классная
вещь то есть вы особо не задумываясь посчитали написали 80 рядов 5 рапорта до ручка не пишет
все пятеро и вот вы связали планку 3 см выс отой и затем нашим взором 5 рапортов целых связали и
начали закрывать пройму все задуматься не нужно все четко по выкройке раз писали сами для себя
и вяжите вот таким индивидуальным описанием конечно же высоту изделия надо регулировать
под себя поскольку рост у нас у всех разные да ну так же как и ширину конечно же у кого-то очень
широкие бедра и узкие плечи у кого-то наоборот папочка малогабаритной до плечи широкие поэтому
мои хорошие конечно подгоняйте под себя эти мерочки да вот это такие среднестатистические
мерочки под себя немножечко откорректируйте если у вас целый рапорта не умещается предположим там
какая-то мерка не 56 сантиметров там допустим а вам вот над 57 смело добавляйте лицевую гладь
справа и слева узор это позволяет он у нас весь в лицевой глади понимаете вот смело добавляется
в такую резинку например тоже декоративную то есть расширяете ее да не 5 5 допустим a7
сделайте или 9 там то есть но свое усмотрение расширить полотно всегда можно всегда можно и
в принципе этом узор будет хорошо смотреться так мои хорошие до новых встреч я желаю вам удачи я
надеюсь что все было понятно в моем объяснения чтобы вы связали все хорошо получилось я как
всегда публикую вот это описание о котором сейчас с вами говорили в виде текстового файла но виде
текста под видео поэтому пожалуйста пользуйтесь этим описанием для вашего удобства до новых встреч


Örgü örmeye nereden başlamalı? İnternette veya hazır açıklaması olan bir dergide güzel bir model buldunuz mu? Ama elinizde böyle bir ip yok ya da beden uymuyor. Yoksa sadece deseni beğendiniz ve onunla bir kazak veya üst örmek mi istiyorsunuz? O zaman kanalımda haklısın! Tecrübelerime dayanarak detaylandıracağım: beğendiğiniz model için hesaplamalar nasıl yapılır ve model ve desene göre örgü tarifi nasıl yazılır. Yani, örgü talimatlarım. Örgü talimatları 1. Bitmiş bir model veya desen seçme 2. İplik ve şiş seçimi (kanca) 3. Desen 4. Örnek bir desen örmek 5. DTÖ 6. Yoğunluk hesaplaması 7. Ürünün döngü hesabı 8. Örgü açıklaması hazırlamak yoğunluk formülü yatay: ilmek sayısı / genişlik (cm) = Pg 1 cm = döngüler dikey: sıra sayısı / uzunluk (cm) = Pv 1 cm = sıralar Ürün hesaplama 1. Genişlik hesaplaması: W (cm) x Pg = döngü sayısı 2. Uzunluk hesaplaması: D (cm) x Pv = satır sayısı 3. Eğimin hesaplanması (yaka, kollar): Eğim yüksekliği (sıralar) / azaltılacak döngü sayısı = boşluk 4. Omuz eğimi hesaplaması: Eğim yüksekliği (sıralar) / azalma sayısı (adet) = ilmek sayısı 5. Tekdüze artışların (azalmaların) hesaplanması: Toplam döngü sayısı / eklediğimiz (azalttığımız) döngü sayısı = aralık

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