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alright hey you guys it's Molly tonight is not  going to be a paint well it may be a painting  
pick for me later but not for this video but I  wanted to go through some of the different medians  
and varnishes that are out there and it's time  for me to make another batch of pouring medium  
another batch of house paint so I thought maybe  that I would do that while you guys are here with  
me and because I get a lot of questions on that so  I'm gonna go ahead and get set up and then for the  
beginners I'll explain kind of what these things  are and for those that know already I'll just  
show you how I make my pouring mediums so I will  be back okay hey you guys I haven't done this in  
a while and it's changed over the past couple  of years what my pouring medians are so when  
I first started out I had one pouring medium and  that's the video that I have from a little while  
back I think maybe in December and I was using a  whole slew of things and I still do as you can see  
from the beginning of the video but some of it  has changed so I you know needed to mix up some  
pouring medium so I figured might as well show you  guys what I'm talking about so for those that are  
new this is floetrol and this is the main and  I'll kind of clear my table off as I go so   
floetrol and it's different so it's always wrong  in some places that Canada has their floetrol as well  
I would recommend wherever you are check your your  data sheet on it because they each say something  
just a little bit different as far as the safety  goes but it's basically made up of the same thing  
it's vinyl acetate and oh I wrote this one down  because it was hard to pronounce butyl acrylate  
copolymer so it is miscible in slightly soluble  in water but not fully and so that's why some  
people get cells just from using the floral and  water you can also get cells and I'll be doing  
a tutorial on that as well of just using water  and paint and using the density so but this is  
why this is not exactly water soluble it's kind  of water soluble so that is what a lot of people  
use it's about in the u.s. it's about 15 dollars  13 to 15 dollars you can get it at any hardware  
store like a Lowe's Home Depot other art stores  have started carrying it this is Elmer's glue-all  
Elmer's glue-all does still have an Elmer's glue  have a slightly acidic pH to them meaning that  
they potentially could yellow over time so I  don't use this as much anymore I never use it  
in my white and I don't use it as much anymore  in my paints but it really works well if you're  
going to be using silicone to hold your cells and  I'm not saying I you can use just flow at all but  
for me I found that a mixture of floral and glue  all and my gloss mediums and things like that work  
best for cells so if I'm using four cells with  silicone so if I'm using silicone I normally put  
this in my mixture but again I don't normally ever  use it in my white just because of the yellowing  
risk and for commissions and things like that  I talked with the people ahead of time and let  
them know the potentials and again in the colors  I don't really have as much of a problem with it  
but especially if I want to let them know you know  what the potential is for aging down the road this  
is what I talk about when I don't you guys can see  that or not but when I talk about blasts medium  
and varnish it's the camera will there we go so  gloss medium and varnish this is a polymer that I  
use that makes the paint glossy it also gives me  the colander effect that I use and I also there  
liquitex makes a version of it which is their  gloss medium and varnish and I haven't used this  
I'm actually going to do a video with a colander  port for this as well so I'm kind of excited about  
that I do not use that as a varnish though I only  use that as in my chlorine medium and even though  
it's in my pouring medium I still varnish over top  and I varnish with these two things either gloss  
varnish or high gloss varnish a lot of people have  been asking lately what can I use you can use a  
spray varnish if you want to that's totally okay  I like the liquid one that I actually I either rub  
it on with a t-shirt or I and neither of these I  made up myself I've gotten these techniques from  
other people for further varnishing but either  with a t-shirt or water down with the t-shirt like  
15 percent water or I for my larger pieces I use a  car sponge with pantyhose over it so and I have a  
video on how I varnish my paintings as well that  hasn't really changed so I don't put that in my  
in my pouring media now this is a actual pouring  medium from liquitex so professional artist grade  
pouring medium I do like this I don't like it  necessarily as much just to do cells if you're  
using silicon but I do really like liquitex  scoring medium and again it's artists grade  
it's water-soluble it's meant to be with acrylic  paints the flow at all I forgot to mention that  
is originally used as a paint conditioner to make  latex paint which is another type of water-based  
paint it normally gets a skin on it very fast  and it dries quickly and so for people that are  
painting houses or using it in spray guns it helps  it level out helps to act really more like a like  
an oil-based or enamel based paint so allows it  to dry a little bit slower and allows it to be  
level so that's why people are using it because  it allows you to increase the working time of  
your acrylic paint so it doesn't thin the paint  it's still a binder just like you know PVA glue  
polyvinyl acetate or polyvinyl alcohol blues do  the same thing the binders so paint is made of  
pigments and those pigments and binders themselves  if you just add water and I mean a lot of water  
because you can just add water to paint and pour  totally okay but if you add too much then you the  
water goes in and it actually starts to break down  the pigments and the binders so people use binders  
acrylic binders to allow for you to make the paint  more fluid but not break down any of the pigments  
or any of the binders and you may get cracking  or something like that if you don't use them so  
again you can use water and paint only there's a  lot of great artists out there that do so I'm not  
saying anything against that and I'm not saying  anything against people that use glue all in their  
mixture either because there are a lot of great  artists out there that do so I'm just telling  
you my mixtures and how I do it GGC 800 is a anti  cracking ant you can use it by itself or you can  
use it in mixtures so I normally add this to my  white and end in my other colors as well it dries  
a little bit glossy as does the liquitex pouring  medium and my gloss medium the floral once added  
actually dries matte so if a lot of you are mixing  your paints and you dry and they're kind of dull  
the floetrol most likely has created them to kind  of lose their finish when I mix my arteza paints  
with floetrol they still dry glossy so I just  really really like the artist paints right now  
but so I use this a lot it's kind of expensive  it's like this costs about $30 for this jar you  
can get it on sale sometimes and I don't use a ton  of it in there but I really do like it so um and  
then this is the polypour and this is specific to  color art Leslie Ohnstad line of paints that I  
have been using and I've made a couple videos  on this that I'll be releasing as well so this  
is another type of medium this also dried  very glossy so that is just another medium that  
you can use that's in my Amazon store as well so I  got my house paint over here and I'll get to that  
in just a little bit but what I do I get these  from the dollar store and once you have used up  
all the pouring medium in them you can literally  just scrape them out and reuse them so that's what  
I do and I showed you guys the little cups that I  reuse as well so literally this does not have to  
be like a wasteful type thing I know that a lot of  people save their skins and greens gaddama is do  
a project with skin so you might want to check  out her channel and video on that but again we  
all you know does not have to be wasteful at all  okay so I'm gonna go ahead and get started here so  
I strain y'all look at this strainer it's  so tiny my big one I didn't wash out I didn't put  
in my little drip bucket and so it had a bunch of  flow at all on it and I didn't feel like taking a  
toothpick and picking you little part out so I  use I have my little one this is the only one I  
have left so I'm gonna have to use the micro size  one you always want to shake your flow the trough  
and you want to strain it because the floetrol gets  little lumps in it and the lumps over time though  
you'll get like blobs of stuff so some people  put pantyhose over the top I've just gone ahead  
and gotten to the point where I just strain it  so I'm gonna strain my float all into here it  
is opaque and white but when it dries it is  clear so I'm gonna do thousand milliliters
a floetrol and here and you can see there's  already some little like blobs that are stuck  
in the middle there and that is why you strain it  so I'm going to go ahead and pour that into there  
now the other thing guys is that I use different  pouring mediums for almost every single painting  
I do so if I'm doing a regular ring pour I will  use this pouring medium that I'm making up now so  
for the for my ring pours for my let me think  what else really for my for my ring I'm sure I'll  
think of something else but for my great pours and  any like just regular you know dirty pours that I  
do I'll use this medium for Dutch pours I like to  just use flow at all a little bit of gloss medium  
or a little bit of GAC 800 and water and that's  it very simple and just let the paint density  
do what it wants for cells with silicone like  I said I use the floral glue wall and the gloss  
medium and the GAC 800 if I'm working with satin  enamel on Norway just use pouring medium and water  
liquitex pouring medium and water and sometimes  maybe a little bit of flow at all but I don't put  
gloss medium in there so each technique if you  take away anything from this each technique is  
different so as you experiment write it down keep  a journal that's what I did and then I really just  
wanted to start keeping a video journal and then  I started posting them to youtube and that's what  
happens so keep some type of journal of what you  liked what you didn't like and then you can always  
tweak your recipe but I don't use the same recipe  for everything because they all each of these  
has different chemical properties and they all  react differently so for this one I'm going to
use the gloss medium and we're gonna do
about 500 so that was a thousand of flow at all  the loss medium if you guys have any questions  
just put them below in the comments I'm not a  chemist I'm a pharmacist so you guys I'll try  
to answer the best that I can I have actually  reached out to a chemist friend of mine for all  
my questions that I have about things so that I  can better understand and better create the art  
and get the effects that I want so so that was  the floss medium and then little jars here I'm  
gonna do ooh I felt like there was a big lump  in there see so maybe I should have strained  
that as well huh yeah there was a lump in there  I must have left that oh that was from the lid  
whoo okay well it's gonna go on the ground I have  plastic down underneath I just throw everything  
down there and then once a month I just clean  all the plastic up and put it back down okay  
pour that in and for one of my mediums that's  it so this one is 1000 of floette raw and 500  
of gloss medium and varnish and 200 of GAC  800 and this will be my pouring medium for
my ring pores my dirty pores and my
colander port is 50% 50% so I make that as well  and I'll do that tonight but not right now so  
50% 50 so flow withdrawal 50% and the gloss  medium and varnish 50/50 that's what I use  
for my colander pores so that is that one and  then I write on my little top what it is and  
when I used it so for flow at all in you again  want to read your data safety sheet I do not  
add water to this by the way not yet I only add  water right when I'm about to do a pour water  
in pharmacy and in chemistry it actually changes  the the date of which things are good for so if  
you add water to something it normally brings  it down to like a couple of weeks that things  
are good for preservative wise because stuff  grows in water very well but for flow at all  
if you keep it sealed if you keep it sealed and  I'm again I'm not a chemist so I'm not sure but  
I just personally don't add water but if you keep  the fluid trough sealed supposedly it's good for  
one to two years depending on the country that  you're in so a lot of people ask can i premix my  
paints and the answer is yes absolutely I do  but I don't put water in there yet so I save  
my water till the end because as this sets up as  your paint setup you may need to add a little bit  
more water to kind of thin them back down and  depending on the pour that I'm doing a lot of  
my pores have different consistencies and only  a link my consistency video below and that's a  
really good one to check out if you guys want to  kind of conceptually visualize the consistency's  
I use four different pours but yeah so I don't  put the water in because I don't know what type  
of pour I'll do with that paint and so I can  change the consistency of the paint right then  
in there so my one for blue wall that has glue  all in it it is do this I love all your comments  
all your stuff that you guys ask it's just great I  really appreciate it I'm really loving doing this  
I've gotten to meet so many people it's really  just amazing a couple other safety things with  
the float also a lot of people say and I would  recommend wear gloves if you're gonna be getting  
it kind of all over you and a lot of times  I forget guys but don't do what I do and it  
does have a little bit of an odor so work in a  well-ventilated space so I'm out in my garage I  
normally have the little window by my door open or  the garage door open so you want to make sure it's  
ventilated if you get it in your eyes or ingest  it or anything like that you need to call your  
poison center control center and wash it off  your hands as soon as possible heating and a  
lot of people have had questions about heating  it as well and the time that we pass the flame  
over the floor withdrawal that's mixed with the  paint as long as you're not burning it and getting  
fumes that's actually fine it's when you start  to burn the paint that that becomes an issue  
because then you're actually making it a volatile  substance and you're seeing gas so that's no good
yeah I need to go to the gym my arm is shaking  oh gosh another little saver that you can do is  
once you use up these gallons of flow at all  you can premix more pouring medium and stick  
it back in the container so all kinds of ways  to save here so I just keep one for that keep  
one container for that and I just pour it in  so I'm gonna do 1000 and 1000 so 50/50 for me  
and y'all always look under my video because my  ratios change I'm experimenting all the time I'm  
not satisfied with just one thing so just always  look underneath and my description on my video  
the other thing is that because I batch these so  large I give you guys Senta jizz of what i do so  
if you want to make this but you want to make  it smaller so you want to make 75% of it take  
everything I've listed and multiply it by 75%  for this video but if I'm doing it already by  
percentages all you have to do is to figure  it out if I say you know I'm using a 60/40  
mixture make up a batch of 100 mils and use 60  mils of 140 mils of the other so it's just you  
know simple math percentages I do add a little  bit of gloss medium into my cell mixture this is  
my silicon cell a mixture that I'm doing here so  a thousand a flow at all thousand of blue all and
four to five hundred again i guesstimate I don't  weigh everything measure everything okay and then  
I don't have that much left but I would normally  put one to two hundred of GAC in this as well so  
I don't have that much let me see how much it is  so I can at least be a little bit so that's not a  
hundred mils 100 millilitres left if you're doing  everything in grams keep doing everything in grams  
so percentages still work for grams but you can't  mix grams and milliliters because each of these  
things weighs a little bit differently not every  volume weighs the same amount so if you poured  
a hundred milliliters of this 100 milliliters of  this they may weigh just slightly differently it  
may not be a lot but it may weigh just a little  bit different so if you're working in grams stay  
in grams if you're working in milliliters stay in  milliliters okay I'm just gonna stir this one up
and that's it and that is how I make my pouring  medians so again always read under my videos I'm  
not gonna make you sit here and listen to me  go through every single pouring medium that  
I use because I literally use probably about  10 different pouring medians one for my ring  
pores one for my colander pores ring pores and  dirty pores together one for my Dutch pores one  
for when I'm trying to use satin enamel to get  a cloud effect another one when I'm trying to  
get the pearlized cells so each one is different  so you guys always read underneath if you want  
to know what I'm using and trying to replicate  and I encourage you guys to experiment on your  
own find out what works for you Oh some of it is  whatever you can afford if you can only afford you  
know glue all and flow at all or just flow at  all use those things have fun with it it's you  
know it doesn't have to be this you know this  like looming thing over your head oh I needed  
to use this find out what works for you find  out what's in your area and create art and make  
something beautiful because that's what it's about  right so okay so I'm gonna take just a little bit  
of a break and get the house paint ready and  I'll show you what I do for that one as well  
okay okay guys so I'm back and I am using this  time around see if I can put it up close to you  
please don't spill it this is semi-gloss house  paint no primer already color white because you  
can have sometimes a no tint or a tent vase but  I have it that's already white get them to shake  
it for you but make sure that you stir it before  each time you use it I'm gonna have to stand to do  
this but see it's pretty thick still already so  this is over 2m here so I do half paint okay so  
whatever container you're using doesn't matter but  half paint then I do half flow at all and I know  
it's not going to be half by the end because I am  going to add a little bit of gloss medium in there
all right and then I add and to  break out my other GAC a hundred  
so I add about two hundred milliliters of GHD 800
and then and then about two hundred  milliliters of gloss medium and it's  
already semi gloss paint so don't have to  worry too much about that and that's it so  
then all those are gonna go into my little  water bucket to soak I'll ready use them and  
this paint I'm mixing up now and what will  happen okay so now this is much better flow
yeah this is much better so you can see it just  runs right off the stick back into thee and then  
right when I'm ready to use it again I'll add my  water if I need it really thin or if I want it  
kind of thick now this is not the white paint that  I use in like for my actual white for a painting  
this is the white that I use as my background  when I'm using for Dutch pours it's the only  
other one that I use Winsor & Newton white and  water or float all or an extender with it but  
this is for like those big paintings that I do  where I want a big background of white that's  
when I use this mixture here and then again I seal  it with the varnish over top so that it protects  
it from UV sunlight and protects it from water  so that's it guys please list all your comments  
and questions down below on the video subscribe to  my channel if you're new and you haven't already  
if you would like to I do fluid art posting  videos each week and hopefully inspiring you  
to create something that you loved so thank  you guys for watching thanks for sticking it  
out with me I hope you found this informational  and I will see you next time so the painting


Fluid Art Pouring Mediums / How I Mix My Mediums / Beginner Acrylic Pouring Tutorial I have gotten a lot of questions about the different pouring mediums i use and why. It was time to make a new batch of pouring medium, so i decided to film it. A lot of this is just the ramblings of a mad woman LOL! But there are a lot of newer artist our there in the fluid art world and i thought this might be useful. Almost all ingredients can be found in my amazon store linked below. The gloss medium and varnish i use is by creative inspirations, available at jerrys artarama. I use a different pouring medium for almost each pour i do. For most pours i use 1000ml of floetrol, 500ml of gloss medium and varnish, and 200ml of GAC 800. For cells with silicone i use: floetrol 1000ml, glue all 1000ml, 400ml gloss medium and varnish, 200ml of GAC 800 For dutch pours i use just a water normally (this does change as i experiment) Fort satin enamel i leave out the gloss medium and normally use just floetrol colander pour: 50/50 gloss medium and varnish and floetrol thank you to all that have supported my channel! If you would like to donate, you may use the link below, every little bit counts so that i may make more videos! Hope you enjoy the video! Thank you so much for watching. Happy painting! I am so happy that I found acrylic pouring/fluid art a few years ago. It has helped me in so many ways and it just keeps getting better and better. This visual arts creative outlet has made me so happy. I am loving this abstract art! I hope to keep doing this for years to come! I have always been fascinated by modern and contemporary art. There is something about it that is so freeing and expressive. I love acrylic pouring because I get to experiment and really join the creative side of my brain with the scientific part! There are so many different fluid acrylic pouring techniques out there, so much more to try and have fun with. Make sure you are subscribed to my channel so that you may learn and be creative with me. I love hearing all of your comments. Come find me on my social media linked below as well and show me your pictures! ► Social media: Instagram: Facebook: Pinterest: Website: Email for commission or business inquiry: [email protected] ► Join Our Online Acrylic Pouring Course Acrylic Pouring A to Z with Molly, Olga, and Rinske For beginners and Intermediate Fluid Artists Website: Over 7 hours of instruction, tips, text, pictures, and techniques Come join the A to Z team! Currently in English only ► Purchase My Paint Stands at my Etsy store here: Molly's Artistry Level-Up Paint Stands USE THE CODE: MOLLY10 for 10% off Price is $28.99 USD for a set of 4 ► My tee-spring store: All of the pieces I make are for sale! My paintings tend to go fast, and it is first come first serve. If you see something you like or if you want to commission artwork from me, please email me [email protected] . For those that make it to my Etsy store, you may see my pieces available below: ► Purchase my art here: AFFILIATE LINKS ================ NOW 10% off the entire website! Lolivefe code for website: Molly10 For the mats LoliVEFE code: Molly5 (jumbo or mega mat) Lolivefe website for purchase: KS resin coupon for 5% off = mollysartistry ► ARTEZA COUPON CODE: MOLLYSARTISTRY19 Arteza Us link: Arteza Europe link: ► My Amazon store front for pouring supplies: US: Canada: UK: Molly is an amazon, arteza, ks resin, and lolivefe affiliate and receives a small commission on the sales at no extra cost for you! I am a south Florida based artist. Please feel free to reach out if you are ever in my area, I give private lessons! I also give private video lessons! Email me at [email protected]

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