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  • ruRussian
Alright, hello everybody, welcome back!  This is a big one today. This is not a  
re-creation but something similar to it.  I was looking back to find the video,  
and I realized it was a long time ago, well over  a year ago. I was doing this series of 4-foot by  
4-foot paintings for a commission. The one that  they didn't pick, I brought to my last show;  
it sold almost immediately upon the show  opening. Another woman, Joan, walked up right  
as the woman was purchasing, and she was like,  'I wanted that one.' So this piece is for Joan.
We went back and forth over the past year,  really trying to get the concept together  
and what she wants. So this is what I'm doing:  I'm doing a triple ring pour with a swipe or two  
or three through it. I'm using sky blue; I mixed  up these huge containers of paint. I'm using sky  
blue light; I'm using an AO orange medium and  an AO yellow deep. I'm using phthalo blue and  
a Payne's gray Prussian blue mix. Now, I'm hoping  that the yellow and the blue turn to green because  
there was green in the last painting. In the one  I did before that, the green I had a lime green  
in there as well, and it just went kind of too  green for me. So let's see how this one comes out.
I am going to be swiping with a large palette  knife, and I am going to swipe with white. So  
let's see how this goes. Let's paint! Alright,  so I'm going to start with this first ring pour,  
kind of like a reverse ring pour. I'm going to try  not to spill - oh, this is a lot of orange. Okay,  
where's my center? I'm going to cover  up some of that orange with the center  
colors here. It's okay to not have these  rings perfect because I'm going to swipe  
through them. Some parts will remain a  ring pour, and some parts I will swipe.
You know what I didn't do from the last video?  I actually didn't look to see if I wrecked it  
at all. I don't remember, y'all. This may be a  lot of orange; this is more orange than was in  
the last one, for sure. Man, oh man. Okay,  this one only has a little bit of orange,  
so I'm going to pour this one right  here, get the orange out of the way,  
and then come over it with the rest of my colors.  There's that pretty green that I was looking for.  
I'm looking for like a brighter green and then a  darker forest green. The greens that I'm looking  
for are from the yellow mixed with the sky blue  and the yellow mixed with the Payne's Gray.
Now, one of them I want to take care of because I  do want one of them to kind of be the focal point.  
That one's really pretty, actually. That one is  really pretty too. Okay, the last one's going to  
go right there; have to come over to this side  for this one. Okay, again, my orange is pretty  
predominant, so I'm going to lay that out. Oh,  that's so much orange; I'm going to come around  
it. There's my turquoise. Okay, oh, I wasn't  pouring in the - I'm definitely going to have  
to swipe through that. I wasn't pouring in the out  of the spout; I was pouring down the side. Gosh,  
that's also a lot of orange. I shouldn't have  layered my orange so close to the top, but  
maybe I can push some of it out. And I do think  I want some blue on this corner over here. Do I  
have another one of my jugs? I do. I think I'm  going to layer just some blues for that corner.
Alright, so that side I'm not worried about  what the design is. I was worried about just  
having a little bit of paint there because  I'm really going to stretch the orange over  
the side here. I wanted to have some paint to be  able to go on that side over there. All right,  
my next step is deciding where to swipe.  Now, I know I'm going to swipe through here,  
but I think I'm going to bring it this way  because I don't want the orange to stretch  
all the way through. I don't even know if you  can see me; am I on camera? All right, my head  
might be cut off or something; I don't know. But,  okay, so I've got a good amount of paint on here,  
and I'm going to start right through here,  go across that line and through over there.
Ooh, the orange and the yellow, really  pretty. Super pretty with that green.  
This is definitely too much orange, though. I  may have to redo this for her, but then I'll  
have another one for Artigras, 'cause I found  out that I was getting accepted. So, all right,  
let me see here. Definitely want one to come right  around through here, so I think I'm going to swipe  
up through here because I have a feeling that that  will be what comes off of the canvas. It's always  
difficult doing these really large ones to predict  where you think the paint is going to flow. But,  
okay, this next one, maybe I want to start it in  the blue, have just like a little tiny area of the  
colors pop through there. Oh, I'm really liking  this one. Again, it's just going to be how I tilt  
this and that orange part down there; honestly,  she definitely liked the blues and the greens,  
and the other one just had a hint of  orange. But we will see; we will see.
I think this one I'm going to start in this blue,  swipe that green on through there. Now, let's see,  
for this last little swipe, I feel like having  one through here. Gosh, there's so much paint  
everywhere. All right, I don't know that I want  one in that corner down there because I really  
like it, and I want that part to kind of stay.  Yeah, all right, I think it is time. Do I want any  
more swipes? I just don't know until it spreads  out. I just don't know. I think I'm going to leave  
it. All right, I'm going to torch this again, put  on my gloves, get my husband out here to help me,  
and we're going to tilt this. A huge shout-out  to my husband, Ryan, for helping me with all  
of these artworks. He helps me in a lot of  different ways. He comes to shows with me,  
and he's always so supportive. I can get a  little freaked out when I do these big canvases,  
and honestly, I think it makes him nervous  too. But we have a system down now, and he  
just listens to which direction I say to move his  hands. And we actually work really well together  
to tilt it. At first, it took a little bit to get  this one going, but once we kind of got it down,  
there was really minimal issue with tilting this  one, even as large as it seems. He was so proud  
of himself as well that he didn't get any paint on  himself this time. I made him put on his painting  
clothes for the video because I was worried that  we were going to spill paint everywhere, because  
you all know how clumsy I am. But it worked out  great in the end. He was such a big help to me,  
and he's so supportive. He absolutely loved the  painting, and I appreciate him so much for this.
You like it? Yeah, now I got to see if I  like it. I only get one paint on me. Good,  
we may not be done though. I'm looking to see;  it's got a lot of yellow right there. I like it,  
I know, but that's not maybe what she asked  for. Gotta um, yeah, I'm not sure. All right,  
I think I'm done tilting. I still want to get  in the camera. Show you. Good, come stand right  
here. I, no, I really like it. That's kind of  got that's messed up right there, little area,  
but it looks great. Wow. Oh, wow. I am happy with  it. I fiddled with a few parts; I debated kind of  
tilting it and shifting it a little bit. I talked  about it with my husband; of course, he's like,  
'Oh, it looks great, just leave it,' because he  always gets so nervous. I talked about it in my  
other one, but he comes to one side of the table,  I go to the other, and then I say left hand up,  
right hand up, right hand down, left hand down,  so that he knows how to judge where he's going.  
And there were minimal exchanges this time. He  actually did a really good job. Oh, I'm just a  
little torn. There's this one part right here that  doesn't quite - it's not in the circular rings. I  
really actually liked. I thought I like that one  better, but I like this one better. And there is  
still a lot of orange; I tilted off most parts of  it, but there's a big bright stripe of it right  
there. Down there, there's more yellow than the  other one. So I'm just going to have to show it to  
her and see if she likes it. And so I will let you  know. I will try to take you in a little bit so  
you can see some of the details of this, but it's  so big I might have to wait till it's dry to see  
it fully. But I'll show you. There is no possible  way unless I stand on my ladder that I can get you  
in on all of this, but you can at least see the  details here. And I'm actually really happy that  
my li - oh, I got it on my toe - that the lacing  held so well with so many different colors. Like  
look at that; that is super duper cool. And I also  like how it blended in these sections. I like that  
too. Over here, I'll take you around; you can see  there's that part. But I'm going to leave that,  
see it, the uniqueness of it. I think that's  my favorite, this little strip right there is  
my favorite part so far. And then I'll take you  around to this side; there's some smaller lacing,  
I like that little swoosh that I did there.  And then this is another part that I love.
So yeah, let's see what she says. I don't know.  I like it, but it might be too much yellow and  
too much orange. So we'll see. And I will show you  how this dries. All right, this one is so big I'm  
actually standing on the other side of my table,  but I will take you in and show you. But you  
really can't get the full view of it unless you're  standing back here. So let me walk around. It's  
got a lot of geometric shapes, and I showed it to  the client. You know how there were a couple of  
things during the making of this that I was kind  of questioning, and for sure, those were things  
that she questioned as well. So I had questioned  whether or not to do both of those rings and or  
swipe through one of them and just leave one ring.  And she really just wanted one ring; she said she  
felt like it was a little too geometric and there  was a little too much orange and a little too much  
yellow. Now, I'm doing Arty gr this year, so I  will likely just bring this piece there. I wanted  
to show you some of my favorite parts though:  gorgeous yellow, oh, that blue, how it kind of  
lights up the thinner, smaller swipes down here.  And then this section over here with these big,  
big swipes. So I love it, but I'm not the one  purchasing it, and let me get back. When I do  
commissions, I don't let people settle; you are  purchasing it; it's your money; you're spending  
it, and it is going to be in your home, and you're  going to be looking at it, and I want you to love  
it. So I am going to do another one; you will  likely see another one. But I still think this one  
is pretty cool, just not quite what the requestor  had asked for. So that's okay 'cause that just  
means that I have to paint another one. All  right, thanks for watching, happy painting, bye!


Uau, este foi GRANDE! Um grande obrigado ao meu marido por me ajudar também. Ele sempre faz um trabalho incrível e é muito positivo. O cliente queria um pouco menos de laranja e amarelo do que saiu, mas sempre gosto de fazer peças grandes. Outra dica é deixar a pintura secar antes de fazer julgamentos, principalmente em obras grandes. Eles parecem tão diferentes na posição vertical! Espero que você goste do vídeo! Muito obrigado por assistir. Feliz pintura! ********************************************** ***NOTÍCIA EMOCIONANTE*** Lancei meu NOVO curso sobre a Técnica Swipe! Passei meses e meses criando, testando e experimentando várias receitas diferentes para trazer a você o melhor curso que pude! Se você quer aprender como usar uma espátula para criar lindas células e laços, então este curso é para você! Link do curso: - USE O CÓDIGO SWIPE15 PARA 15 dólares de desconto. O que você receberá: Mais de 10 horas de vídeo instrutivo aprofundado Numerosas planilhas e documentos para ajudá-lo a ser mais sistemático em sua prática artística As receitas EXATAS que Molly usa para criar suas lindas pinturas deslizantes Várias receitas DIFERENTES de catalisadores de furto para criar células e laços em suas pinturas de arte fluida Uma grande comunidade de artistas com ideias semelhantes Bônus – Aprenda sobre furtos com silicone Tentei tornar o curso acessível para quem está em diferentes localidades. Você não precisa do Australian Floetrol para este curso. Dou várias receitas diferentes para catalisadores de furto! Boa pintura a todos! Esperamos ver você no curso! Disponível em inglês apenas com legenda oculta por enquanto. ************************************************** ***** Participe deste canal para ter acesso a vantagens: Estou tão feliz por ter encontrado arte fluida / derramada em acrílico há alguns anos. Isso me ajudou de muitas maneiras e está cada vez melhor. Essa saída criativa de artes visuais me deixou muito feliz. Estou amando essa arte abstrata! Espero continuar fazendo isso nos próximos anos! Sempre fui fascinado pela arte moderna e contemporânea. Há algo nisso que é tão libertador e expressivo. Adoro verter acrílico porque posso experimentar e realmente unir o lado criativo do meu cérebro com a parte científica! Existem tantas técnicas diferentes de vazamento de acrílico fluido por aí, muito mais para experimentar e se divertir. Certifique-se de estar inscrito no meu canal para que você possa aprender e ser criativo comigo. Adoro ouvir todos os seus comentários. Venha me encontrar também nas minhas redes sociais no link abaixo e me mostre suas fotos! Tamanho da tela: 48 polegadas por 48 polegadas (4 pés por 4 pés) Carimbos de data e hora: 0:00 como preparar uma tela grande para pintar 3:51 derramando o anel reverso 7:58 furto com floetrol australiano 11:58 como inclinar uma tela grande 15:48 resultado molhado da pintura acrílica 17:19 resultado seco de pintura artística fluida Mídia social: Instagram: Facebook: Pinterest: Site: Site do curso:

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