CREDITS: Song : Narasimhaya Aarti - "Namas Te Narasimhaya" Music Composer- Nirdosh Sobti Music Label/Publisher : Madhavas Rock Band Band : Madhavas Singers : Neha Behl (Nandrani Gopi Devi Dasi) Nirdosh Sobti (Navkisore Nimai Das) Gagandeep Singh (Ganga Priya Das) Arranged, Mixed & Mastered By Nirdosh Sobti Video Credits - A FIlm By : Braj Kishore Das First A.C : Nishant Jha (Nidra Vijay Das) Second A.c : Anirudh Khandelwal Location : Mumbai Don't forget to COMMENT, LIKE & SHARE it with everyone!!! Subscribe to our NEW Channel "Bal Gopal" : Download audio: Buy Lord Narasimha Kavacam Mantra Solid Silver Pendant : You can contribute and help Us in making these videos - Also u can click on the "JOIN" button which u will find under all our videos (near subscribe button) to directly help us from ur credit or debit card. Buy This Bhajan And Encourage Us (CLICK THE LINK TO BUY) buy here - (Only In India) - Narasimhaya Aarti - "Namas Te Narasimhaya" | Madhavas Rock Band Hare Rama Hare Krishna - Dhun From The Hindi Devotional Album Hare Rama Hare Krishna. Music-the soul of universe , one stop remedy for all the tensions generated by the type of material world with which we have surrounded ourselves. It is free, does not belong to any religion, sect or country and remedy for all our ills. Sit in the company of this type of music for some time morning and evening and find the difference the peace of mind you attain. Present day world requires it the most to rid the tension which has gripped the living souls all over the world. Hi guys, this is me and my band Madhavas playing a rock version of the Narsingh Dev Aarti Prayer. This is a very pure Hymn that is very close to all our hearts. I hope you all like it. Please leave a comment and don't forget to subscribe to the channel. SUBSCRIBE to Madhavasrockband: LIKE Madhavasrockband Page on Facebook: For Show bookings, Events, Concerts, Festivals please write to [email protected]
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